Done, Doing, Dreaming – Spring? Is That You?

I had most of this typed up before everything happened with Wanderer, hence any potentially confusing references. Any positive thoughts are appreciated. He’s made it through surgery but is experiencing complications, so it’s a very tense time.


The weather is ever so slowly improving here, and I am eagerly soaking up whatever sunshine I’m able to. Wanderer and I have been running plenty of errands, too, and I can’t resist showing you some gorgeous street art we happened to pass by.


How cool of the artist to point out the best spot for photos.





*I’ve updated the Zine Review Index as well as my Zine Wishlist. A little early (as I usually do it at the end of the month/beginning of the next), but I was in an energetic mood. (SPRING!)
*I’ve also taken a heap of pictures to go with my upcoming post series on zines – from idea to sale. More cleanup in Photoshop to do.



A lot of the ‘doing’ stuff is a repeat from last week because Everything that has hit the fan.

*Dear Anonymous 5, DCMC 5, and DAFUQ aren’t listed on Etsy yet, but they will be soon.
*If you hadn’t already heard, We Make Zines – the place for all things zine – is closing down at the end of this month due to a dramatic rise in cost. I’m not able to do much, but if you know about coding and site migration, be sure to stop by this thread and let Quasifesto know that you’re willing to help out.
*I’m doing the maths on the badge machine as I get closer to being able to afford it. At $380AUD, if I sold badges at $2AUD a pop, I’d have to sell 190 badges to break even. Then there’s breaking even on the cost of materials above that. Usually I’m such a dreamer and would just jump in, but I’m getting more cautious these days. Hm.


*This week I’m dreaming up ways to bring in some extra cash here and there. Such is life.

2 Replies to “Done, Doing, Dreaming – Spring? Is That You?”

  1. That’s… not so great news. 🙁 Am definitely sending good vibes your way, hope that he’ll be on the way to full recovery asap, because srsly. *sends good vibes*

    1. Thank you. He’s passed a rough patch this morning, so here’s hoping that it’s all it purely recovery and no steps backward from here.

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