Quick Updates

I have two new zines up for sale in my Etsy shop!

‘Don’t Call Me Cupcake: 2017’ is the seventh of a perzine series about my life. In this zine, I write about deciding not to write zines on a schedule, how my cat has used up most of his nine lives over the past few months, dealing with anxiety and mania at the same time, share the first chapter of my fourth novel, and more.

(PDF version coming soon)

The F Word is a zine about my favourite expletive and is an expanded version of an essay I wrote for one of my professional editing courses. (Top marks, if you are curious.) While it does poke fun at swearing, it also examines the history, versatility, and other factors that makes f*** a swear word for the ages.

2 Replies to “Quick Updates”

  1. This zine is outta site! don’t miss getting it . . . don’t miss delving into the mind of a chick that’s a complete wing nut! one of the best goddamned zines in the world . . . oh cupcakes!

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