Happy Mail: Pins and Keychains Edition

Happy Mail!

Yesterday was one heck of a day, so today we have happy mail on Tuesday. And oh the happy mail!

Isn’t this envelope amazing?! Emma from Puddleside Musings impressed everyone who saw it with this gorgeous envelope.

The lady at the post office handed it over to me very slowly (as she stared at it), and we both admired it right there at the counter for a while. 😀 So gorgeous. I think I am going to be relaxing with some colouring tonight.

Inside the gorgeous envelope came some lovely bits and bobs – and a postcard I can colour! – out of Flow magazine. Squee! The 30-Day Notebook is a question-a-day booklet that asks about goals and dreams. Definitely welcome timing given all I want to accomplish next month!

Take a look at this! It’s a pop up page like the books you used to read in school. The quote is so working for me in so many ways, but the writer’s theme is lovely too as I try (repeatedly) to scratch out the beginning chapters of my next novel!

Thank you so, so much Emma! Your timing and the smiles you’ve given me are more well timed than I can say right now.

The Life and Times of Billy Roberts! I’m pretty sure I say this every time I get a new issue of this, but I think more people should do this! It’s the family Christmas letter without the Christmas and, well, the boring bits. I adore that Billy does this and am so sad to hear that this series is soon coming to an end. Get in contact with Billy and get your hands on them while you can!

Oooo, I have been eagerly awaiting this package for a while now! Happy mail from Fishspit! There are so many cute goodies – including Fishspits very first collab zine with Dystatic!

Fishspit once again proves that he simply cannot resist sending things in plain envelopes. Simply not done! I save all of Fishspit’s envelopes and take them out to look at sometimes.

A close up in case you were wondering what it said.

How cute is this cat keychain?! I nearly forgot to take a picture of it because I stuck it on my house keys straight away. The little bell jingles louder than you would thing. As for the little plate that says Memory… Well, I think I’ll leave that as an inside joke. 😉 So cute!

Four pins! I am slowly but surely creating a collection of pins, and look at these new additions! I love that he’s taken the art from one of his zines and made it his zine icon – and then turned that into a button! (I really need to get a button machine.)

Last but definitely not least, the next issue of Wiseblood. It still boggles my mind that Fishspit has been making zines longer than I’ve been alive. May I be the mind-boggler to some young zinemaker someday!


Thank you with absolutely all of my heart to those who send me mail. You brighten my little world bubble more than I could ever properly express with words.

That’s all for me today. I hope everyone has had a great start to the week, and if you haven’t, that it gets better in a hurry!

2 Replies to “Happy Mail: Pins and Keychains Edition”

  1. Well I’m glad mr. elephant found his way safely too you! Glad you like everything and have fun colouring, both the postcard and the envelope (multi purpose envelope! xD)

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