International Zine Month 2017 Day 28: We’re Cooking Now

Cook with a recipe from a zine

Recipes and foodie zines are ones I don’t come across very often, but I love that they exist. People sharing recipes, experimenting with new things. Fun fun.

I actually did grab a zine to try out a new recipe for today’s activity, but they were all a bit beyond me with things either being out of season or including things I really don’t like (watermelon is so nasty). So I’m a bit out of luck there. I do, however, have fond memories of my first ever zine and the nutella cookies I made…

I would love, love, love to see/read any posts if you’re trying out a recipe or two. Leave links in the post below!

Other Zinesters Joining In (Let me know if you are, and I’ll add you to the list!):


Play along with 31 Days of International Zine Month Activities here!