Brand New Day

Hello, zine friends! I hope this post finds you well and having a good week.

I have finally well and truly landed in South Australia, and I am just starting the unpacking process. The naps are many and the boxes are many more, but with no rental inspection coming up, I am comfortable taking my time. I’m relaxing in ways I didn’t think I could.

The bit of bad news (for me) is that Wanderer has had to make one last trip back to our former residence to wrap up a few more things. But once he is back, we can truly start our new lives here.

I was absolutely delighted to find mail in my new post box already! It made everything really feel like home. You all are the best.

There’s still plenty to do, as is the way with these things, but I am still on track on getting back to at least some level of normalcy here on the blog. I’ll get some pictures up of the new office space, too.

Until then, be well and zine well.