#ZineWriMo Day 1: Connect With Other Zinemakers

Hello, hello, friends, and welcome to the very first day of ZineWriMo 2017!

I hope the first day of this fine month finds you well and feeling creative. I’m still in mostly-drowsy land, but I am excited about the month to come. I have so many zine ideas that I can hardly keep up with writing them down.

However, today is about connecting with fellow zinemakers!

It’s all too easy to feel alone when you are a creative person. Especially when your art requires spending long periods of time alone. You’re not alone, and it’s important that you have spaces that help remind you of that.

When it comes to zines and ZineWriMo, there are a few spaces to enjoy:

*ZineWriMo Facebook Group
*Zines A Go Go Facebook Group
*We Make Zines
*Pen Fight Distro Community Board (especially if you’d like to do trades or will find calls for submissions inspiring)

You can also search for the hashtag #zinewrimo on Twitter or Instagram
Or the hashtag #zines for a broader search on Twitter or Instagram

Also, it’s more of a directory rather than a place to chat, it’s still worth checking out the good ol’ Zine Wiki to see who and what you can find there.

If you’d like to connect with me, I’m on:

These are just my hangouts, though. I’m sure there are heaps of other places, so be sure to share them in the comments.