ZineWriMo Day 4 – Share Your Goal(s)/Plan(s)

Hello and happy weekend, zine friends! It is picture perfect here in the land of South Australia. A beautiful spring day to share your plans and/or goals for the month.

In the world of NaNoWriMo, people tend to describe themselves as planners or pantsers. The latter basically means diving in without a plan and just going for it (by the seat of your pants).

Whether your plan is to make a zine, write a novel, or get the house clean, I think it’s good to figure out what kind of person you are. For the most part, I’m a pantser who likes goals. Plans are great, but my mental and physical health demand flexibility. I get too irritated when things don’t go to plan to actually make firm plans.

But that’s just me! Take some time to get a sense of what you like to do.

Before I share my goals, I want to mention that I am also the kind of person to try to do all the things and then be happy with whatever it is I end up with. So please don’t feel like you need to have anything beyond ‘make/finish a zine’ as a goal.

Here are my goals:

*Complete ZineWriMo – don’t miss any days
*Complete all ZineWriMo mini-zines
*Complete mini-zines: Little Reminders 2, Little Reminders 3
*Complete all writing for Don’t Call Me Cupcake 9

Bonus round:

*Complete Dear Anonymous 7
*Complete Don’t Call Me Cupcake 9
*Complete Don’t Call Me Cupcake 9.5

That’s me. It feels like a mountain to deal with at the moment, but we’ll see how things go. Are you sharing your plans and/or goals? Leave a link in the comments so we can all support each other.

Until tomorrow!

9 Replies to “ZineWriMo Day 4 – Share Your Goal(s)/Plan(s)”

  1. finish Same Heartbeats #12, make at least 1 mini-zine and prepare + do a presentation on zines (which is fun but also stressful so for now I find it hard to look beyond the date of the presentation to see if i want to / can do more zine projects this month…)

    1. Wow! A presentation? I can definitely understand that being the big focus, and once done, then you can sort out where you stand.

      1. yes, i’m quite nervous. i’ve never done anything like this before and i’m quite scared to speak to an audience, but i think it will be fun too. 🙂

        1. It should definitely be fun. ^_^ But whenever there is something that makes me nervous, I plan a special treat afterwards. That way, no matter what, something nice will happen after.

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