#ZineWriMo Day 24: Zine With Friends!

Hello, zine friends, and happy Friday!

I hope you all are doing well. I’m a little fuzzy on time zones, but I think my American friends may be all sleepy and full of stuffing after their Thanksgiving feasts. (Or am I calling that a little early? Either way, I hope those celebrating have a wonderful day! I do miss pumpkin pie a lot this time of year. 😉

To be honest with you, I’m feeling a little blue today. You see, today’s prompt is:

Zine With Friends!

no offline friends here in Murray Bridge just yet, so I’ve been sharing pics of what I’m doing on my Instagram stories, but it doesn’t feel the same. I also just so happen to be finishing up a zine about the two friendship breakups that happened over the move and, yeah… Blue.

So please tell me you’ve been having a great Friday, zines or not (though aren’t Fridays always better with zines?). I’m going to go enjoy a doughnut and finish the zine I’ve been reading so I can post the review here soon.