Mail submissions to :
Deadline: August 31st
Call for Submissions: Promoted Homosexuality
Call for Submissions: Weird Mask Zine
Call for Submissions: Nuit Noire
Call for Submissions: Lost Projects Zine
Zine Review: Precious Pearl
Precious Pearl
Precious Pearl is a ½ fold full-colour comic about the creation of a pearl. A precious pearl.
I laughed out loud. Oh, how I laughed. This says things about my level of maturity – none of them good.
This zine is going to be a tough one to review because I really don’t want to give anything away. There’s a twist to it that has me chuckling even as I type this.
Precious Pearl is a comic set in the ocean (as you probably imagined), and has a very sweet start full of nice colours and pretty fish. However, because this isn’t the first one of Veek’s comics that I have read, I started getting the feeling that it was a little too sweet.
I was right. Ha!
The art of this comic is a fun combination of hand drawing/colouring and cut out pictures of fish/aquatic life. I thought the cut outs were a fun addition to this comic that sort of set it apart from Veek’s other comics and put it more in line with the ‘children’s book’ that the back cover claimed it to be. The few words involved also played into this aesthetic.
All of it combined together to create an even funnier twist than it would have been with words alone. (Just to be clear, this one probably isn’t for kids.)
I apologise if this review is a bit frustrating because of my attempts not to give anything away. I will say that if you have a sense of humour that’s more on the immature side like mine, then grab a copy.
PS. I had Wanderer read this, and even he had a chuckle.
Zine Review: Drawn Poorly Zine: Identity
Drawn Poorly Zine: Identity
Drawn Poorly Zine: Identity is an A5 collaboration zine of photography, art, and writing around identity in relation to chronic illness.
I have the impression that it’s is a bit cliché these days to call something powerful, but ‘powerful is the first and best word that came to mind when reading this zine. Over a dozen people have contributed to this zine, and I find myself going back over each page again and again.
Drawn Poorly opens on the inside front cover with an introduction to the zine and the people who made it happen – with contributions of work as well as financial contributions to bring the zine to life. Page one – a collection of speech bubbles on a black background, each with a quote response to the prompt ‘What Was Lost’ – sets a sombre and intense tone.
There are so many things about this zine that I think are striking. I love the variety of contributions. I love that pieces come with clear social media handles. I love that Drawn Poorly included quotes from people who have chronic illnesses but also from those who love someone who has a chronic illness.
Identity is such a complex issue, and the pieces really demonstrated that complexity without being coldly literal about it. I truly got a sense of real people behind the pieces – people who not only where dealing with their chronic illness but also what it meant (and didn’t mean) for who they are.
Kitty James’ piece ‘Identity’ resonated with me the most with how it can be such a long, lonely road to diagnoses and how labels can be very important to identity and not feeling alone.
“How could my illness define me when my illness could not be defined?”
I’m eager to read what comes next for Drawn Poorly. Pick up a copy, and let’s encourage them to make many more.
Happy Mail Monday – Scattered Edition
Happy Mail Monday, zine friends! It’s a bit of an ‘all over the place’ Monday, but happy mail makes everything better!
Thank you to the wonderful people who sent me mail:
*Confetti –
*That Girl Zine from Kelli –
* Ich bin ein Berliner (last week) –
My PO Box:
Jaime Nyx
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253
You Can Find Me At:
Want to listen to The Zine Collector Podcast? Find me at:
Also on:
Pocket Casts
Cast Box
And other podcast apps
Queer Collaborations 2018: National Australian Queer Student Conference
Queer Collaborations (QC) is the national Australian queer student conference. This year it will be hosted at UQ in Brisbane from 1st – 7th July 2018!
QC is a platform for queer student leaders to come together and collaborate on advocacy projects and campaigns, share knowledge and resources and devise national policy with the aim to help connect queer students across Australia. Traditionally it is hosted at a different university each year in July over the mid-year holiday break for many universities.
UQ Union (UQU) Queer Department successfully won the bid to host in 2018 and therefore the QC Organising Committee (QCOC) is made up of volunteer members from UQ Union’s Queer Collective (UQUQC) with support from the University of Queensland and the Australian Queer Student Network – the national peak body for queer students across Australia.
The conference is governed by it’s own Standing Orders as well as Safer Spaces Agreement. On average there are 200 student participants and invitations are sent to the wider queer community to attend as observers for specific events during the conference week. This year we are introducing new events to connect people in different ways including a guest plenary presentation, formal seminars, welcome luncheon, Brisbane queer culture and history tour and a national awards night!
For further information regarding the conference, please contact the QC Organising Committee at:
Call for Submissions: Plump the Post
Plump the Post! is a mail art project centering and celebrating fat queer and trans folks–and submissions are now wide
open! Please send plush postcards, packages, enveloped things, curiosities, and all other miscellany that can be mailed.
Plump the Post! welcomes drawings, photographs, scrawls, sketches, typographic art, scribbles, fiber art, self-portraits, collages, mixed media, sculpture, comics, abstract art, and any other mailed creation that reflects queer and trans fat liberation, however obliquely. Identifying as an artist is not required, being a “good” artist is not necessary, not one bit.
Submissions will be photographed and shared (with permission, attribution, and obscured addresses) via a social media gallery. In Fall 2018 participating mail artists will receive a zine anthology (physical copy) featuring all contributions.
Deadline: September 19, 2018
Email to get the address for mailing your work or to ask any questions. Please submit, please spread the word, and please plump the post!
This project was funded in part by a grant from
NOLOSE (, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
[Image: Background is a colorful array of stamps, papers, pens on a tablecloth with astrological symbols. Illustration of a lilac envelope exploding with pink hearts in the lower right-hand corner. White foreground reads, “Fat Queer & Trans Mail Art/Plump the Post!/” A constellation of decorative dots on the foreground and background.]