International Zine Month 2018 – Day 16 – Zine Love

Welcome to a brand new week! The prompts keep rolling on, and today we have…

Today’s prompt is:

Make a list of reasons you love zines

Oh, how I love zines. Let me count the ways… Haha. I think I’ve gone on about this a lot here, but there’s nothing wrong with expressing a bit more zine love. These aren’t the only reasons I love zines, but they are the big ones:

*Everyone is Welcome to Make a Zine – You don’t have to be a certain age, in a certain location, at a certain skill level, or anything like that to make a zine. Something to write with and something to write on are pretty much the only general requirements (though some zines don’t have writing!).

*Variety is the Spice of the Zineverse – Just when I think I’ve seen all the ways to make zines, something springs up and surprises me. Different ways of binding, creating, printing… So much fun and variety.

*Zinemakers – There are all types of people no matter where you go, but I have had the pleasure of meeting more supportive and lovely people into zinemaking than any other hobby or community. I could go on all day about the wonderful things I have seen, heard, read about, and personally experienced. I’m grateful for zines and zine people every day.

I’m going to stop myself there because I could keep going and going. I’d love to know what you love about zines. Let me know in the comments or link to your post so I can check it out!

Have a wonderful day.


List of activities:
Facebook group:

Others Joining In :

*Echo Publishing –
*Feral Publications –