International Zine Month 2018 – Day 13 – Friday the 13th!

Happy Friday, zine friends! We’re lucky to have an absolutely gorgeous sunny day here in Murray Bridge. It’s easy to forget that it’s…

Friday the 13th!

Today’s prompt is:

Friday the 13th! Make up a zine superstition and share it (skip the 13th issue? Spin 3 times to prevent copier jams or avoid paper cuts?)

Now I haven’t tried this myself, so I can’t speak to whether it works or not, but I have heard of a little zine superstition ritual for zinemakers who make a physical master copy before scanning/copying.

What you need to do is take your master copy and – this is very important – before you do ANY scanning, copying, or even editing, you wait for the next full moon. Just before midnight on the next full moon, you take your master copy outside into the moonlight. Place your master copy in the moonlight on nature in some way. Be it putting it on the grass, a rock, leaves, etc.

At midnight, take three deep breaths and put all of your good wishes and thoughts toward the zine until one minute after midnight. If you do that, then your copying will go smoothly, your binding will stay strong, and your master copy will never go astray.

Or so I hear.

Happy Friday the 13th!


List of activities:
Facebook group:

Others Joining In :

*Echo Publishing –
*Feral Publications –

Zine Review: let your fingers do the walking

let your fingers do the walking
Johnnie B. Baker

let your fingers do the walking is a black and white 1/2 fold perzine about drugs, eating disorders, and disastrous results from trying to fit in.

This zine is one that pulls no punches. There are no pauses for dramatic effect or time for coddling. Johnnie pulls you into the story on page one and doesn’t let up until the story is done. There is no gentle lead up to the horrific (in nature, not gruesome description or otherwise) events that happened because of Johnnie’s eating disorder.

Johnnie writes about being a fat kid and how that led to drugs and drinking in an effort to fit in. From drugs and alcohol, he moved on to more severe behaviours that ended up leading to more than one health incident that could have easily ended Johnnie’s life.

I wrote my notes for this zine as the wind was howling and the rain was pelting down outside, and I couldn’t help compare it to fast, hard-hitting storm. I felt shocked and concerned, but I couldn’t stop reading. While there are a few pictures in amongst the text, the words were what kept me turning from page to page.

Without a doubt this would be confronting and perhaps even triggering for some people, but I found myself feeling grateful that Johnnie wrote this zine. That he shared the stark, awful reality of what can happen if you abuse your body with eating disorder behaviour. That it is a male story of something that is more often thought of as a female problem could help other male and male-identifying people to share their stories and get hope.

This may be a faster read than zines I’ve been reading lately, but it has certainly stuck in my mind quite vividly. If you are curious, feel confident that you can handle the content, and/or, like me, could use that all-too-real reminder that it’s not worth it, then this is a zine to read.

International Zine Month 2018 – Day 12 – ZineWiki Day!

Hello, zine friends! Today’s posts are brought to you by the power of zine love because, without it, I would probably sleep all day. Haha. My spoons are running away at a rapid pace. Today highlights a great zinemaker resource, though, so I could hardly stay in bed and miss it!

Today’s prompt is:

ZineWiki Day! Add to or update

ZineWiki is what it sounds – a wiki site for zines, zinemaking, and zinemakers. There are directories that you can search by name, by country, and more. You can also search for individual zines and maybe find out more about the zine and the person or people who made it.

You can create and edit your own pages as well as add your pages to the various directories. It does take a bit of learning if you’re not familiar, but it’s not too difficult, and you can find help on the help page.

You can also ask for assistance in the comments as well. ^_^

Have you set up a Wiki page? Leave the link in the comments!


List of activities:
Facebook group:

Others Joining In :

*Echo Publishing –
*Feral Publications –

The Zine Collector Episode 012 – Selling Zines Online Pt 1 – Etsy Changes


Hello, zine friends! In this episode of The Zine Collector, I talk about the changes Etsy have made to their fees, why I’m not happy about it, and how it inspired me to start this series.


People/Places/Zines Mentioned This Episode:

*International Zine Month Activity List –
*Etsy –
*MarketWatch –
*Etsy Announcement Stock Rise –

*Zine World Calendar:

You Can Find Me At:


Want to listen to the podcast? Find me at:

Also on:
Pocket Casts
Cast Box

My PO Box:

Jaime Nyx
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253

Spanish Summer by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

International Zine Month Days 10 & 11 – New Zine Friends & International Zines

Hello, zine friends! I hope you’re well today. I apologise for missing out on yesterday’s IZM prompt. When you run out of spoons, you run out of spoons, right? That just means there are double the prompts today, haha. So let’s get to it!

Yesterday’s prompt:

Write a letter to a zinemaker you don’t know

I decided to write to Juli Jumprope, who rights the Homebody Herald. I’ve never actually read Juli’s zine myself, but Billy of East Coast Adventures recommended it and kindly provided a point of contact. ^_^

Today’s prompt is:

International Zine Day! Buy, share, or read a zine from a country different to your own

Today I am sitting down with ‘Let Your Fingers Do the Walking’ by Johnnie B Baker who lives in the US.

I do review a heap of zines from all around the world, though, so if you want to check out more zines from other places, be sure to look at the Zine Review Index.

What are you up to today? Have you written to a zinemaker you don’t know? What zines are you buying, reading, or otherwise sharing? Let me know in the comments.

Have a wonderful day!


List of activities:
Facebook group:

Others Joining In :

*Echo Publishing –
*Feral Publications –

International Zine Month 2018 – Day 9 – Zine Friends

Hello, zine friends! Hello, beginning of a new week. A busy week, too. Plenty to do and never enough time to do it, right? However, today’s prompt lined up perfectly with something that has been on my to-do list for a while.

Today’s prompt is:

Write a letter to a zine penpal

Maaaaaail. Happy zine mail.

You have to send mail to receive mail, and the envelopes pictured above are what’s left out of a big ol’ mail out. Spreading the zine sunshine around the world. 🙂


List of activities:
Facebook group:

Others Joining In :

*Echo Publishing –
*Feral Publications –

Happy Mail Monday – Tiny Mailbox Edition


Happy Mail Monday! This week I share some lovely zines from a friend in Queensland and two friends from the US. There’s a teeny tiny surprise!

Thank you to the wonderful people who sent me mail:

*Keira –
*Billy –
*True Zine Marin

Other Mentions:

*Amber is Blue –
*Alison Evans –
*Copy and Destroy –
*Sticker Nation – (? Doesn’t seem to be working)
*We Make Zines –
*New Mexico Montage Plus – ?
*I Bought Zines at Tower Records – ?
*Found Words No. 3 – ?


My PO Box:

Jaime Nyx
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253


You Can Find Me At:


Want to listen to The Zine Collector Podcast? Find me at:

Also on:
Pocket Casts
Cast Box
And other podcast apps

International Zine Month 2018 – Day 8 – Cooking Time

Hello, zine friends! A bit of a late one today – at least in my time zone. But I am determined to get in the activities on the day.

Today’s prompt is:

Cook with a recipe from a zine

I love this prompt! I’ve come across quite a few recipes in zines recently. From easy-to-make recipes from Sober Bob’s $50 Minimum to Miss Muffcake’s The Stay at Home Girlfriend’s vegan recipes.

And, of course, I can’t forget the inspiration for my gorgeous peanutellas:

Unfortunately, I don’t have all the ingredients for any of the zine recipes I could find. Le sigh. So I’m afraid it’s a bit of a cheat day for me. If you are cooking up some good zine stuff, let me know in the comments!


List of activities:
Facebook group:

Others Joining In :

*Echo Publishing –
*Feral Publications –

Call for Submissions: The Rock N’ Roll Horror Zine

The Rock N’ Roll Horror Zine
Submissions Now Open

Looking for rock, metal and punk themed horror, sci-fi, pulp and bizarro fiction submissions up to 2,500 words. Also interested in visual art submissions that are on theme, especially cover art.

Accepted submissions receive $5 and a contributor copy.

Email submissions to

Call for Submissions: Plump the Post

Plump the Post! is a mail art project centering and celebrating fat queer and trans folks–and submissions are now wide
open! Please send plush postcards, packages, enveloped things, curiosities, and all other miscellany that can be mailed.

Plump the Post! welcomes drawings, photographs, scrawls, sketches, typographic art, scribbles, fiber art, self-portraits, collages, mixed media, sculpture, comics, abstract art, and any other mailed creation that reflects queer and trans fat liberation, however obliquely. Identifying as an artist is not required, being a “good” artist is not necessary, not one bit.

Submissions will be photographed and shared (with permission, attribution, and obscured addresses) via a social media gallery. In Fall 2018 participating mail artists will receive a zine anthology (physical copy) featuring all contributions.

Deadline: September 19, 2018

Email to get the address for mailing your work or to ask any questions. Please submit, please spread the word, and please plump the post!

This project was funded in part by a grant from
NOLOSE (, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

[Image: Background is a colorful array of stamps, papers, pens on a tablecloth with astrological symbols. Illustration of a lilac envelope exploding with pink hearts in the lower right-hand corner. White foreground reads, “Fat Queer & Trans Mail Art/Plump the Post!/” A constellation of decorative dots on the foreground and background.]