International Zine Month 2018 – Day 7 – Zine Distro Appreciation Day!

Hello, zine friends! Happy weekend. I hope yours is going well. I miss having more sunshine, but rainy days are lovely for curling up and reading some zines. Or working on tweaking websites in my case. Ha!

Today’s prompt is:

Zine Distro Appreciation Day! Order zines from a distro to read during IZM2018

Distroooooooooo. If you’re curious, a ‘general’ definition of distro is:

Distro = sell zines from more than one author
Shop = sell only your own zines

As much as I would love to join in with today’s prompt, I can’t. So I decided to join in by posting up a list of distros. These are the ones I know of, but if you know of any I’ve missed, be sure to let me know!

Antiquated Future (USA)
Black Mosquito (Germany)
Brown Recluse Zine Distro (USA)
Doris Press & Distro (USA)
Food + Paper (USA)
Mend My Dress Press (USA)
Pen Fight Distro (UK)
Pioneers Press (USA)
Portland Button Works (USA)
Small Zine Volcano (Australia)
Sticky Institute (Australia)
Stranger Danger (USA)
Sweet Candy Distro & Press (USA)
Take Care Zine Distro (Australia)
Vampire Sushi (UK)
Wasted Ink Zine Distro (USA)

Enjoy! Let me know what you order. ^_^


List of activities:
Facebook group:

Others Joining In :

*Echo Publishing –
*Feral Publications –

Queer Collaborations 2018: National Australian Queer Student Conference

Photography/design Tayla Lauren Ralph

Queer Collaborations (QC) is the national Australian queer student conference. This year it will be hosted at UQ in Brisbane from 1st – 7th July 2018!

QC is a platform for queer student leaders to come together and collaborate on advocacy projects and campaigns, share knowledge and resources and devise national policy with the aim to help connect queer students across Australia. Traditionally it is hosted at a different university each year in July over the mid-year holiday break for many universities.

UQ Union (UQU) Queer Department successfully won the bid to host in 2018 and therefore the QC Organising Committee (QCOC) is made up of volunteer members from UQ Union’s Queer Collective (UQUQC) with support from the University of Queensland and the Australian Queer Student Network – the national peak body for queer students across Australia.

The conference is governed by it’s own Standing Orders as well as Safer Spaces Agreement. On average there are 200 student participants and invitations are sent to the wider queer community to attend as observers for specific events during the conference week. This year we are introducing new events to connect people in different ways including a guest plenary presentation, formal seminars, welcome luncheon, Brisbane queer culture and history tour and a national awards night!

For further information regarding the conference, please contact the QC Organising Committee at:

Call for Calls for Submissions: Spread the Word About Your Zine/Distro/Library!

Zine Calls for Submissions

Share your call for submissions, let people know about your distro or zine library, announce your newest zine, let people know you are crowdfunding a zine project…

If you have an announcement to make that has to do with zines, do it here! Sea Green Zines wants to be your megaphone. Even better? It’s an automatic shout out on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr when your call is posted here.

Big fuzzy love hearts to those who have a .jpg call for subs, but all are welcome. Get in touch by emailing theauthor[at] or comment below.

Zine Review: Dirty Lesbian

Dirty Lesbian
Nina Echozina

Dirty Lesbian is an A6 black and white 24-hour zine about reclaiming lesbian-feminism. Nina also writes this, which I think is fabulous:

“It is a call for a more radical feminism, for a lesbian and trans revolution, for getting rid of cishetpatriarchy instead of cutely smiling in the hopes of getting some crumbs.”


Dirty Lesbian opens with a comic about a homophobic comment made to Nina in what she thought was a positive feminist space – and her anger about it. From there, we jump into a cut and paste style zine that has a lot to offer.

There is plenty going on in this zine. Nina writes about the damage that homophobic – especially lesbian homophobic – comments can do and the fallout. She includes reminders of straight privilege, feminist history, examines words like ‘queer’ and ‘femme’, and there’s even a recommendation section with music, zines, films, and comics.

To top it off, Nina even includes some mini-posters for your enjoyment.

It’s clear from the beginning of this zine that Nina is angry about what happened, but it’s also clear that she still wants to educate people. I think that’s very admirable. When I’m angry, I want to eat cookies and play computer games. I adore that Nina has used her anger to make a zine that is so full of information and looks great, too.

I’m angry and sad that what happened happened, but I struggle to imagine a better response.

I think this is a great zine, whether you want to check in with your own behaviours, whether you are a lesbian wanting support and a louder voice, whether you’re interested in learning more… Nina’s mixture of passion and artistic skill make this zine one to check out.

International Zine Month 2018 – Day 6 – Zine Pride Day!

Happy Friday, zine friends! I hope your week has gone or is going well. I actually got a little bit of sunshine to bask in today, so life isn’t all bad. Haha. Time for the IZM activity!

Today’s prompt is:

Zine Pride Day! Explore LGBTQIA zines! Buy, share, and read zines by people of marginalised sexual orientations and gender identities.

Because it is Friday, it’s a review day, so I have decided to take up the prompt with the review. Stand by for my review of…

Dirty Lesbian by Nina Echozina!


List of activities:
Facebook group:

Others Joining In :

*Echo Publishing –
*Feral Publications –

Zine Review: Zine Crush: Volume 2

Zine Crush: Volume 2
Editor (No longer updating)

Zine Crush: Volume 2 is a black and white ½ fold zine collection of affection in the zine world in comics and written pieces.

Zine Crush gets right into things from the get go, opening with a story of zine crushes and moving from penpals to friends. From there, we have comics, written pieces, and even a couple of photos. This zine describes itself as ‘like a missed connexion board’, but contributors took the prompt in a number of different directions. Along with the anonymous and direct confessions of like, there is a section of anonymous notes for the Richmond Zine Fest 2012, a piece from the editor about being Zine Crush, and even a funny comic about a cat.

When I opened this zine, I expected a more straightforward, ‘traditional’ sorts of tales of like – and I would have thought I’d prefer that as well. However, I ended up enjoying the different interpretations.

I really enjoyed ‘Creepsters United’ by Jonas which goes into the strange feelings of ‘knowing’ a zinemaker so utterly through their zine and yet feeling like you don’t know them at all when you meet them in person.

The thing that I appreciated most about this zine is that it was a mixture of ‘like’. It’s not all romantic or sexual. The crushes are of any nature – from be my friend plz to more intellectual crushes. I like to think that I can have zine crushes (which I definitely do), and they won’t all be assumed to be the romantic/sexual kind.

I really adore the concept for this zine and am sad that it seems to have ended on volume 4. Still, I shall continue my search and try to get volumes 1 and 4. If you see this zine series, pick it up and have a look.

International Zine Month 2018 – Day 5 – Zine Review Day!

Hello, zine friends, and happy Thursday!

Today’s prompt is:

Review a zine online or write a review to share.

Hehehehe. Well this prompt just so happened to land on a Thursday – one of my regular reviewing days – so stay tuned because the review will be coming soon!


List of activities:
Facebook group:

Others Joining In :

*Echo Publishing –
*Feral Publications –