Zine Review: The 24-Hour Zine

The 24-Hour Zine

The 24-Hour Zine is an A6 full-colour zine full of collages and writing based on suggestions made by other people.

Full disclosure: Latibule and I livestreamed together on Instagram during part of the making of this zine, and the idea of taking suggestions from people came from me.

The 24-Hour Zine opens with an explanation of the challenge (a 24-page zine made in 24-hours) and how Latibule created most pages base on prompts from her Instagram followers. I feel weird mentioning how much I like this idea given the circumstances, but I really do and would love to both do it more myself and see it done more by others.

With prompts like ‘sunflowers’ and ‘utopia’, this zine is full of colour. As a primarily collage zine of this style, I would expect it to be in colour, but I’ll still say that printing it in black and white would have taken something away from it. How Latibule interprets the prompts – especially prompts with less obvious colour associations – makes the zine all the more interesting.

Save for the middle spread, each page has its own prompt. Most of the prompts are from others – each idea credited to the person’s Instagram handle. However, some pages are Latibule’s own. With people coming up with unrelated prompts in the mix, quite a few different emotions are expressed in paper, washi tape, drawings, and sometimes words.

I’ve been enjoying flipping through this zine again and again. There is something relaxing about taking in all the elements of the various collages.

If this sounds like something you’d like to check out, then definitely pick a copy up and get lost in its pages.