All The End Bits Part 2


Hello, zine friends! The moment I uploaded the first ‘All the End Bits’, I knew I wanted to make another one. And what a great time of the year for it. I hope you enjoy this bit of silliness with my thanks for an amazing first year of YouTube-ing as well as another lovely year in the zineverse.

Thank you so much for watching.

You can watch part one here:


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Call for Submissions: The Throwaway Account

The Throwaway Account is a brand new zine planning to debut in February 2019 interested in your poetry, micro essays, flash fiction, little interviews, postcard-sized art, mini-comics, and other forms of short-short stories!

The theme for the first issue is “Emotions,” which can be anything from sadness to gladness. While the publication will be mostly in English, submissions in other languages, especially for feelings and concepts that are untranslatable, are welcome.

Send all submissions and queries to editor Liz Tetu at by January 14th 2019 to be considered for the first issue. Non-themed submissions are accepted on a rolling basis (aka anytime) for future issues coming out May, August, and November.

“Throwaway” means an interest in anything you have! Old or new, unfinished or just unpolished, the embarrassing, too personal, and too weird submissions are considered just as seriously as any other. Reprints are acceptable, as well, as long as you note where it was originally published when you submit.

“Throwaway” also refers to the way the zine will be printed. The plan is to print most (and handwrite some) submissions and adhere them to napkins made of recycled materials borrowed from restaurants. Plans for a digital anthology of a single year’s issues are also in the works. We’ll see!

The Throwaway Account is 100% recyclable

Zine Review: The Adventures of Punk Bird Issue 1

The Adventures of Punk Bird Issue 1
Punk Bird

The Adventures of Punk Bird Issue 1 is an A6 black and white comic about Punk Bird, making friends, and whether it’s all even worth it.

I feel like I should have a disclaimer at the beginning of this letting you know that I’m not one of the cool kinds and there are probably references that go over my head with this one. That being said, I smiled and laughed a lot.

Punk Bird is a bird who thinks they don’t have friends while also struggling with the basic problem of having friends: dealing with other people. Well, that and having standards that are a little too strict for casual social interactions. Haha.

This zine is a sort of ‘day in the life’ introduction to Punk Bird. I laughed out loud on page one when Punk Bird referenced people who obsessively cover everything they own in stickers. From the get go, it becomes clear that Punk Bird is no Mary Sue character – their faults are out there and apparent (though not so much to Punk Bird).

The Adventures of Punk Bird is a funny introduction to a new comic series. There’s some adult language and situations thrown in the mix for some adult style humour.

I’m going to enjoy reading future issues. Check it out.

Zine Review: Stories From the Inside Issue 1

Stories From the Inside Issue 1
Compiled by Dawn Graham

Stories From the Inside is a 7 inch x 8.5 inch black and white collaboration zine with x-rays, scans, test results, and the stories that go along with them.

Full disclosure: I have a piece included in this zine.

I’d really love to know if Dawn created the font (is it a font?) for the title of this zine because it is very cool and utterly perfect for the zine.

After the inside title page, we jump right into stories of broken bones, brain scans, and botched surgeries. Each story has a page to itself with the page opposite featuring the scan or other image to go along with it.

This zine presents a strange combo for me. On one hand, I’m fascinated by the images and what they represent. (Especially Olivia M’s visual field scans, which are a new-to-me thing.) On the other hand, it’s hard to read about others’ pain. I’m someone who can’t tolerate watching ‘fail’ videos that involve injury. Reading this zine, I felt the ‘there’s nothing I can do to help’ feelings and tension. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but if you’re sensitive in the ways I am, it’s something to keep in mind when checking out this zine.

I may be reading into things too much, but I really like the deeper meanings of the title. There’s the literal stories from inside the body – the x-rays, the pins, the staples. But there’s also the reminder of all the stories and experiences that we carry out of sight. It’s another way of reminding us that we should never judge on sight alone because no one knows what another person is carrying on the inside.

Ramble aside.

Stories From the Inside is an interesting zine that combines medical curiosity and personal stories. Even better, it end with an invitation to submit to the next issue.

Pick up a copy and submit to the next issue.