Happy Mail Monday – Mystery Surprise Edition

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfSnpID4Eng&w=560&h=315]

Happy Mail Monday, friends! In today’s video, I show off some little zine bundles that I will have at Festival of the Photocopier, congratulate someone on their 50th issue of their perzine, and get a big surprise.

Thank you so much for watching.


Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:

*True Zine Marin – https://www.instagram.com/shellbobmv/

*Ken Bausert – https://www.instagram.com/passcribe/

*J. Fritz – ???


GoFundMe to Get to Festival of the Photocopier – https://www.gofundme.com/help-nyx-get-to-fotp-zine-fest


My PO Box:

Jaime Nyx
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253


You Can Find Me At:


Sea Green Zines: https://seagreenzines.com
Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/seagreenzines

Call for Submissions: Infidelity Zine

Infidelity Zine open call

Do you have a story to tell about infidelity? Perhaps you’ve experienced it because you were the person doing it. Maybe the person you’re with has done it whilst with you or in the past with other partners. Perhaps you witnessed your parents working through it. I’m looking to collect these into a zine to show the diverse spectrum of this part of human life. Please get in touch either by sending an email to sophie.a.w.sherwood@gmail.com or leave your story on the Sarahah page anonymously.

This is open to all ages, races, sexes, genders, and doesn’t exclude people in the polyamorous community.

Google says:

1.The action or state of being unfaithful to a spouse or other sexual partner.
“her infidelity continued after her marriage”
synonyms: unfaithfulness, adultery, unchastity, cuckoldry, extramarital relations, extramarital sex; faithlessness, disloyalty, falseness, breach of trust, treachery, double-dealing, duplicity, deceit, perfidy, perfidiousness; affair, liaison, intrigue, amour; informalfooling around, playing around, playing the field, cheating, two-timing, hanky-panky, a bit on the side; formalfornication
“her husband never knew of her infidelity”

Call for Submissions: The Rock N’ Roll Horror Zine

The Rock N’ Roll Horror Zine
Submissions Now Open

Looking for rock, metal and punk themed horror, sci-fi, pulp and bizarro fiction submissions up to 2,500 words. Also interested in visual art submissions that are on theme, especially cover art.

Accepted submissions receive $5 and a contributor copy.

Email submissions to doomgoat666@gmail.com

Zine Review: Things My Parents Never Taught Me

Things My Parents Never Taught Me
Crash Reynolds

Things My Parents Never Taught Me is a one-page folded full-colour mini-zine about overlooked childhood lessons.

I knew from the moment I read the title of this mini that I would enjoy this zine.

Opening up this zine, you find a small collection of snippets covering the practical – like how to properly clean a bathroom – to more emotionally related skills. Crash had me from the first missed lesson, and I spent time wondering just how much YouTube and other educational websites have taught me. I nodded along with most of Crash’s lists, identifying with so many and inspired to make a list of my own.

This zine makes me feel sad in the feelings and sentiments that it covers. But, like with many zines, I appreciate the potential it has to help people feel less alone.

Zine Review: Body Hair: A Love/Hate Story

Body Hair: A Love/Hate Story

Body Hair: A Love/Hate Story is a black and white A5 text zine collection of life moments that shaped Olga’s journey with body hair.

In this zine, Olga sweeps us into her journey with a memory from grade 8 when a comment from a mean classmate about her moustache and her mother’s reaction to the event set up her attitude toward body hair for a long time to come.

From there, each page features its own snippet – its own life moment. Olga explores her background, her reactions to her body hair, and others’ reactions. Olga questions assumptions and finds self-worth beyond beauty by challenging herself to grow her body hair. A challenge that makes me feel a lot of respect for Olga because I don’t have the courage to do the same.

As a hairy woman in a long line of hairy women, I identify with this zine so much. From her mother’s reaction to body hair to curing her hair heredity… I also just took it for granted that you did whatever necessary to get rid of body hair when it started appearing – just like Olga did.

Olga wraps up on an important note: it’s not about making anyone feel bad about what they do with their body; it’s about choice and how so many people feel like they didn’t and don’t have one when it comes to body hair.

I think this is a great zine, and I’d love to see more like it. Olga doesn’t hold back nor does she make it into a happily ever after. It’s damned hard to face the idea of judgement from others let alone actual judgement.

Good on Olga.