Forever Cutting Cupcakes

Special coloured cupcakes for the 10th issue of Don’t Call Me Cupcake

I think it was a few years ago when I joked about ‘forever cutting cupcakes’ in preparation for Festival of the Photocopier 2016. Back then I only had a couple Don’t Call Me Cupcake issues and a few Dear Anonymous zine.

I had no idea what a lot of cupcakes was. Haha.

Hello, zine friends!

Usually today would be the day for a Happy Mail Monday video, but today you have this post. Festival of the Photocopier is approaching, and I have been busy working away. What used to be a small job – five to ten copies of each zine, twenty of more popular ones – has become a big job with over forty zines to my name.

That’s not to brag, of course. But with more zines than not needing handsewn binding (love ya staples, but I’ll never stop sewing!), it’s taking me a while to finish everything up.

Honestly, my anxiety is rising as well. I’m doing much better than I did at this point a few years ago while prepping at Festival of the Photocopier 2016, but it’s still an energy suck nonetheless. One that I need to accept, give myself time for, and understand.

That said, I know the zine fest will be amazing. I’m so excited to see so many zines, meet people, and be around so much zine goodness!

I hope you’ll bear with me as the schedule needs to be adjusted while I try to prepare to make the most out of the zine fest. <3

Until next time.