Zine Review: Keep Going – A Mini Zine About Suicidal Thoughts

Keep Going – A Mini Zine About Suicidal Thoughts

Keep Going is a one-page folded text zine letter of sorts to anyone struggling with suicidal thoughts.

I wasn’t sure what to expect with this zine – and was a little nervous opening it up, to be honest. I definitely didn’t expect a heartfelt letter encouraging the reader to take a moment and keep breathing. Inside, Hattie touches on things like sunsets to watch and the wonder that is you, the reader, and your existence.

I appreciated Hattie’s tone in this zine. It’s not desperate or shaming like much suicide prevention literature (that I’ve come across) often is. It’s about the reader, the moment, and an acknowledgement of what’s happening.

There are obvious cautions to take with this subject. That being said, I found this zine to be the kind of gentle encouragement I find comfort in while dealing with the darker moments.

Perhaps it could be the same for you or someone you know.