International Zine Month – Days 27 – 31

Hello, hello, hello, zine friends. This blog post is brought to you by electrolytes, a lot of sleep, and a massive amount of TLC from the dear and amazing Wanderer. Truly, he’s been absolutely brilliant to the point of piling blankets on me when I felt very cold.

I’m very slowly getting back to normal. I’m one of the fun and exciting people who can get mono/glandular fever more than once if I push myself too much/overstress myself. Good times. This round has been mild but meant I’ve slept away most of the week thus far.

Enough of that, though! As you can imagine, the last part of IZM has been a bit of a bust. But no stress! Life happens, and sometimes we just have to dance to the tune.

Or sleep. Haha.

On to it!

On day 27 of this fabulous month, the prompt is to host or attend a zine event. That was definitely off the books this past weekend (honestly, I lost track of the days a bit), not only for health reasons but location.

You can always check out the Zine World Calendar to see if there are any events happening near you and/or to make sure your event is listed.

Day 28 is the day for listing our favourite zines. I decline on the grounds that I love all the zines. Hehehe.

On this fine day of IZM, the prompt is to take a picture of yourself with your zine collection. I’ll meet you halfway with a picture of some of my zines…

On the 30th day of IZM, the prompt is to write or make a wrap-up of International Zine Month. I’m actually going to save this prompt for tomorrow because I have a few things to write about that don’t quite fit in here.

This, the final day of IZM, we take a moment to remember the zines and zinesters no longer with us.

For another year, I find myself grateful and relieved to not know any zinesters who have passed. As I meet new zinemakers and make new zine friends, I avoid thinking about this sort of thing more and more. It’s all a part of the life cycle, but I’d like to stay in my shiny bubble for as long as I can.

My thoughts do go to all of those who have lost people. I light a candle and hope that you can find comfort in knowing you aren’t alone.

That’s all for me today, zine friends. I will be back tomorrow at least a little bit. šŸ˜‰

Until then…

Others Joining In:

* Hadass:
* Phoebeā€™s Zines:
* Feral Publication:
* Enter the Papernet:

Let me know if/where you are joining in!

Call for Submissions: Going Gray Zine

Call for Submissions: Going Gray Zine

Recently I found a white hair on my head, the first ever, and I pretty nearly panicked, because no one has EVER talked to me about the milestones of going gray, and Iā€™m 27! I didnā€™t know what was ā€œnormalā€ or what/when to expect. I posted about the experience on Facebook, Discord and Twitter, asking for support, because the shock had made me feel physically ill. It turns out that a lot of people want to talk about this, and almost no one talks about it! And I learned for the first time that getting your first gray hairs in your 20s is in fact normal. So it occurred to me that I think many more people will benefit if I were to compile peopleā€™s stories about going gray in a zine, to encourage people to talk about this and to let younger people getting their first gray hairs know theyā€™re not alone.

Most of my friends talking about this are women or nonbinary, but this zine will be open to all genders and all ages to share stories about both naturally graying hair and about medical conditions that cause hair to change color outside of the ā€œnormalā€ aging process. Itā€™s a space to process our feelings about aging, where talking about this usually unspoken topic isnā€™t taboo. If I end up getting a lot of stories and canā€™t fit them all, priority will go to stories by women and nonbinary people due to the stigma against non-men going gray and the pressure we face to hide gray hairs. Iā€™m hoping to get stories from people from lots of cultural backgrounds as well, as Iā€™m sure different cultures treat graying hair differently.

If youā€™d like to submit a story, email me at with the phrase ā€œGoing Gray Submissionā€ in the subject. Contributors will receive a free pdf of the zine and can redistribute it or print it however they wish. I will be selling physical copies of the completed zine.

Tentative Deadline: August 3, 2019 (may be extended if I donā€™t get enough stories)

International Zine Month – Days 19 – 26

Hello, zine friends!

Gosh golly gee, this week certainly got away from me. From the 24-hour zine sessions on Sunday and Monday (I have about nine hours still on the clock hehehe) to a therapy session to getting all geared up for a sleep test session (check out my Instagram if you want to see me looking like part cyborg), everything really ran away.

But that’s life!

Feral Publication and I have been chatting quite a bit lately about taking on too much, neglecting self-care, and along similar lines. So what I’m trying to do more these days is pay attention and not make myself sick overworking.

Don’t get me wrong – it irritates me to no end to not stick to the schedule I have set up here on the blog, but you have to look after your health. This year has been a bit lesson in that.

Still, I promise that – save for anything major happening – everything will be back to normal next week.

On to catching up with IZM!

Continue reading “International Zine Month – Days 19 – 26”

Catching Up With Myself

Hello, dear zine friends!

I apologise for my recent short absence. This week has been chock full of things to do.

I will be back to the norm tomorrow.

Happy Mail Monday ā€“ 24-Hour Zine Edition


Hello, hello, and hello again. This Tuesday happy mail is brought to you by spending Monday working on my 24-hour zine. But nothing keeps me away from lovely happy mail for long. This week we have mail from new friends and old, from near and farā€¦

Thank you so much for watching.

Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:

*New Hearts, New Bones ā€“

*Shei ā€“

*ESC Zine ā€“

*Natalie Michelle Watson ā€“

*International Zine Month ā€“

Not sponsored but I really like themā€¦

*Clam Shell Earrings ā€“


My PO Box:

Jaime Nyx
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253


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