Happy… Day?

Hello, hello, and hello once more, zine friends!

It’s been quite the silly pickle of a life here at the zine cave of late, that is for sure my dear friends. Then again, I’d rather have fun and give things a go than sit back and not over the mere possibility that I might fail. I mean, trying and failing is kind of what I do around here, but I have an absolute blast doing it. My only regret for this one is that I didn’t give you all the amazing zine reviews I wanted to.

But I can promise you one thing – there will be another month of zine reviews in the future.

This week has seen no mail but email variety come in, so there’s no happy mail video for this particular Monday. However, the day was beautiful and sunny, progress has been made on the aforementioned silly pickles, and there are silver linings to be found.

So here we are, friends. Another day, and a thought to share with you… It’s always hard to fail. It’s hard to lose track and get behind. But keep trying. Keep giving all you can. Because even failures and be beautiful and fun, and they make the successes all the more wonderful.

Until next time…