Happy ZineWriMo 2019!

Hello, hello, and hello once more, dear and wonderful zine friends!

The month is all too quickly drawing to a close. That means many things, including…

Happy ZineWriMo 2019!

Thank you all so very, very much for your patience and kindness. I have been absolutely thrilled to see people asking about ZineWriMo this year, and it’s my honour to create a prompts list for you.

Without further ado!

If you’re not familiar, ZineWriMo is the zine alternative to NaNoWriMo created by Kat (@disabledfemme) a few years ago. I am another happy participant who decided to dive right in and create a prompts list as well. It’s all about self-set goals and a prompts list that I hope is fun and relaxing rather than anything stressful.

In Kat’s own words:

ZineWriMo is a new idea that came to me in wanting to combine the original NaNoWriMo and zines!

ZineWriMo is November! We focus on making one, or many, zines in November! Our only goal is to create zines, no word count requirement!

Dive in, join up, and let’s get ready to zine!

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