Hello, zine friends! Is it too soon to think this month is going by too fast? Hahaha. Let’s get ready to roll on with our ZineWriMo goodness with today’s prompt!
Plan It Out: What Are Your Goals for This ZineWriMo?
So technically I more or less covered my goals in yesterday’s post, so today I thought I’d get a bit more specific.
Along with posting to the prompts each day, I mentioned that I’d like to make the next Missive From Murray Bridge. MFMB is my monthly (up until recently) newsletter about life and other zine sorts of things going on. I’ve decided that, because things fell the way they did, I want to do a sort of big bonus issue.
Thinking more on that, I’ve decided on two pages (four, front and back) instead of the usual one, and I’m definitely going full colour. The usual sudoku definitely needs to happen along with plenty of washi tape, too!
I don’t want to plan out too much more of that because making the Missives are sort of play for me. Going with the flow and seeing what happens. So that’s where I’ll leave it for now.
Until next time, spread a little sunshine.
Whether you are participating one day, all of them, taking one prompt and running with it… It’s all good! Let me know so I can add your name (and link, if available) to the list.
Other Participants:
Novice Zinester
Herinza Syadza