Hello, zine friends!
I hope this post finds you well and enjoying the start of the first full week of 2020.
*No mail has arrived in my post box over the holiday period, so no Happy Mail Monday for this week (and perhaps next). However, I am very, very happy to say an episode of The Zine Collector Podcast is coming soon! I feel like this is the first big step in getting back to what I want Sea Green Zines to be, and I’m very excited.
*Sea Green Zines is open for your calls for submissions, zine event announcements, and all sorts of other zine-related awesomeness! I make these sorts of posts every Saturday and Sunday, so please don’t feel shy about getting in touch at seagreenzines(at)gmail.com
*Festival of the Photocopier is coming soon! And Sea Green Zines will be there!
Whether I table or not, your fluffy zine enthusiast will be in Melbourne for Festival of the Photocopier 2020. I currently have a Go Fund Me to help make this happen. If you are able to help in any way be through donation or sharing the campaign, I greatly appreciate it!
*Resources Page – Is your distro, zine blog, zine podcast, zine YouTube channel, etc, listed on the Resources Page? If it’s not, please let me know!
Those are all the bits and bobs for now, friends. I will be back once again soon with a shiny new episode of the podcast and more!
Until next time, spread a little sunshine.