Zine Review: My Opinions on the Stardew Valley Bachelors and Bachelorettes

My Opinions on the Stardew Valley Bachelors and Bachelorettes

My Opinions on the Stardew Valley Bachelors and Bachelorettes is a full-colour A7 zine about the marriage candidates in the game ‘Stardew Valley‘.

The top of this zine says “A zine that nobody wanted” but I absolutely wanted it. I just didn’t know I wanted it until I saw it.

If you’re not familiar, Stardew Valley is an incredibly popular farming simulation game that incorporates other elements like combat and dungeons. You also have the option of romancing and marrying a number of characters in the game.

As a zine about a specific game, this is going to be a touch lost on some people. That said, I’m a big fan of the game, and I’m thrilled to see this mini.

Each page features two marriageable characters with a colour picture and Localamity’s thoughts on each candidate.

I found myself chuckling quite a bit because my thoughts line up with Localamity’s a lot. (Harvey is the first character I ever married, Abigail was my first wife, and I also haven’t pursue Leah for absolutely no particular reason.) I love that Localamity included Krobus as a candidate as well even though they technically aren’t. I 100% support the inclusion of shadow babies in a future update. Fingers crossed.

If you like Stardew Valley, then grab this mini. It’s a fun addition to a relaxing game.