Zine Review: Outer Spaces Issue #1

Outer Spaces Issue #1
Amanda Capasso & Others
80 pages
(website no longer working)

Outer Spaces is a half full colour, half black and white, US-sized half-fold photography zine featuring images from cities around the world.

One way to travel without leaving your seat.

Following an inner title page that gives you the ‘@’ for all of the photographers involved, Outer Spaces launches into a collection of people and places in cities around the world. From Hong Kong, to Chicago, to Rajasthan India, regular daily life has been captured in these images. The images are an assortment of full page spreads, half page photos, and quarter-page photos.

For me, photography is a lot like poetry: if you’re trying to tell me something specific, it’s incredibly likely that I won’t understand it. That said, I’m moving past the intimidation of such things to enjoying finding my own meaning in things. For this zine, I found myself thinking about how, yes, we’re all human, but what amazingly different lives we can lead.

We often take our world bubbles around us for granted as the normal. This zine serves as a collection of reminders that there are all kinds of normal. Beautiful walkways in front of shops filled with plants in Bangkok, so many motorbikes on a packed bridge in Vietnam… However, to juxtapose that, people walk their dogs, people gather together on public transport, and walls are covered in graffiti.

My thoughts are wandering a bit as I contemplate this zine, but I consider that to be a good thing. I enjoyed this zine the first time, and I have enjoyed paging back and forth through it many times while wondering about the people and places captured within.

The website doesn’t connect at the time of me typing this, which is a shame because I really like this project. I would have liked to have seen it continue with different focuses (this one with a city focus).

If you can find a copy of this, pick it up. I hope you get as much out of it as I have.