ZineWriMo Catch Up Days 9 -15

Hello and warm greetings, zine friends!

I apologise for the sudden radio silence here on the blog. I needed some time away and intended to post that I was heading off, but I simply ran out of time. Not exactly ideal in ZineWriMo, but life happens as it will.

As there’s no happy mail to share with you today and it’s also the “Halfway – Your day, your way” point of ZineWriMo, I think today is the perfect day for some catching up!

Day 9 – Inspiration Station – Write/share about zines/makers that inspire you

I am always a big supporter of spreading sunshine, and a great way to do that is to let people know when they have a positive impact on your life.

I could list people all day for today’s prompt. There are so many zines and zinemakers that/who inspire me in so many different ways. Each person is bringing something new and unique into the world, which is one of the many beautiful things about zineverse.

Today I will list a few of the people who inspire me in so many different ways. Please check them all out!

*Feral Publication
*WarGlitter Zines
*Ryan of Pocket Thoughts
*Nina of Echo Publishing

Onto day 10!

Day 10 – Work in Progress Wednesday

Work in Progress Wednesday! Today wasn’t a very exciting day, but it was a necessary one. I got everyone’s submissions organised into one folder and then all the submissions into documents. I have a little system with names, addresses, and submission name(s) so I can make sure all contributors get a print copy.

I like admin. I admit it. Haha.

Day 11 – Warm Up – Oodles of Doodles – Have some fun making doodles

I was never a doodling person when I was growing up. I wanted to be. I thought it was cool. But it wasn’t something I was naturally drawn to. However, with some dedicated time and after finding things I really like to doodle (flowers and swirls!), I find doodling incredibly relaxing.

Today I did some bubbles and flowers doodling to relax and absolutely loved it.

Day 12 – Zine Review Day – Review a zine

I’m afraid this one I’ve had to put on a delay. I was in such a rush as I was heading out that I didn’t actually pack any zines to review while I was out and about.

Day 13 – Make a Zine – Double-Sided Mini – Create a one-page mini with something on the inside and outside

This one is also on delay! I do love a double-sided mini though. It’s like finding a secret treasure within a mini-zine. I hope others find joy in a fun little thing like I do.

Day 14 – Refill the Well – Read some zines!

I arrived back on Saturday, but I used Sunday for catching up with life in a lot of different ways, so I didn’t get the chance to read any zines. However, I will definitely be settling down and relaxing with some quality zine reading time as soon as I can.

Day 15 – Halfway Mark – Your day, your way

And here we are! Getting all caught up. I definitely didn’t expect to need catch up time for this year’s ZineWriMo, but I’m almost glad I did. I never want ZineWriMo to be stressful for anyone. I want it to be fun! We all have lives, things come up… So let’s go with the flow, try to relax, and get as much creative enjoyment out of the month as possible.

Until tomorrow, friends!


Stop by and say hello to other participants:

*A Peaceful Homemaker
*Echo Publishing
*KT Mayflower
*r28 Zines