Zine Review: Renaissance I

Renaissance I
Connor Ovenden-Shaw
8 pages

Renaissance I is an A6, full-colour zine of photography and poetry.

I feel like I’m always saying the same thing about poetry – most of it goes over my head, and I just like what I like – but here I am reviewing more poetry zines. What can I say? I’ll always keep reading poetry.

Renaissance I opens right into things with a handwritten note from 1949 on the front inside cover and a poem on (I believe) the quickly fading nature of fame and/or empty praise. From there we take in the combination of poetry, which often expresses feelings of sadness and things lost, as well as photography of various things.

The photography is personalised not only by the eye of the photographer taking the picture but also by sketches that have been drawn on them. I wish I could say what it reminded me of. Either way, I quite liked the added elements.

Connor’s writing often feels fuelled by depression: calm and accepting but with an air of despondency. There also feels, to me, that there is an air of nostalgia mixed into some of the poems as well. I can’t say I fully understood all of the poems – there were a couple of places where I felt like symbolism was being used but I didn’t click onto it. That said, these all of these poems made me feel something – and making someone feel something is the aim of any art.

For anyone curious, the back cover is the one that ‘got me in the feels’ the most.

Connor doesn’t include any socials in this zine, but a quick Google of their name will lead you to where you need to go. This is usually a nitpick of mine, but, to be honest, it feels like the right choice for this zine in a way I struggle to articulate. Perhaps if you have read or do read this zine, you will agree.

As always, the inclusion of a ‘1’ in the title has me smiling, because I do hope to see more of these. Connor’s writing is full of emotion, and I adore the element of drawing on the photos (something I’d like to try myself at some point).

Check this one out.

Happy Mail Monday – US Edition

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmY0AEL8g3U&w=560&h=315]

Happy Mail Monday everyone! This week we have mail all from the United States – and so many new zine friends too! Check out the awesome mail and zine goodness.

Like what I do here? Consider supporting me and Sea Green Zines on Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/seagreenzines

Thank you so much for watching.

Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:

*Billy – https://www.patreon.com/iknowbilly


*Hierobenth – https://hierobenth.artstation.com

*Matt MacFarland – https://www.mattiemac.com

*Vtta – https://linktr.ee/vtta

My PO Box:

PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253

You Can Find Me At:


Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/seagreenzines

Have You Seen These Zines/Zinemakers?

Hello, zine friends! I am doing a little research project, and I am looking for informations on these zines – and the zinesters who made them! If you have any information, please get in touch.

What I’m Looking For:

*Sock Monkey Social Life by Alexandra Stolarski

*We Like Poo by Tara Sin

*Western Lore by Tim White

Zine Review: It’s Odd.

It’s Odd.
4 pages (one-page mini)

It’s Odd is a full-colour, one-page mini-zine about the mixed feelings that come with a diagnosis that confirms things you long suspected.

It’s Odd opens right into things with, “It’s odd, knowing you were right” accompanied by a drawing of Latibule (with snail characteristics as seen on the cover). From there, we read about Latibule always knowing she was different and experienced the world in a different way.

The text is accompanied by Latibule’s art, which I love. There’s so much emotion conveyed in the drawings that was so easy for me to pick up her feelings and empathise.

This is a lovely little mini that beautifully explores that strange and almost indescribable feeling of being proven right about news that one has to come to terms with. It seems like such a complicated thing – something I have pondered many times in my own life – and yet Latibule expresses that ‘odd’ feeling so well.

Definitely pick up a copy.

Mini Zine March 2022

Happy Mini-Zine March!

Wow, wow, wow. How has this been going for seven years already? Seven years of declaring the entire month of March as a celebration month for all the amazing and awesome zines that fall under the half size mark. From the one-page wonders to the chunky monkey quarter sized, mini-zines are amazing, fun, easy to stick in your pocket, and more.

Unfortunately, I am currently in no condition to make this the year that there is a prompts list to follow. Still, we continue on with mini-zine focus for the month. Please don’t be shy about getting in touch or tagging me with the mini-zine creations you make (or review or otherwise feature) this month.

This may be last year’s MZM announcement video, but I do hope my enthusiasm carries through into the new year of mini goodness.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oH8GB43lrIQ&w=560&h=315]