Happy Mail Monday – Love a Note Edition

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ji8adhfIeC4?si=u-RMM9peginFLLD9&w=560&h=315]

Hello, zine friends, and welcome to the last Monday of January 2024. This week, new friends and old have sent me glorious zine mail that prompts glorious rambles about pen pals, rutabagas, and how awesome Hadass is.

*Like what I do here? Please consider checking out my Ko-Fi page where I post links to videos as well as sell my zines: https://ko-fi.com/seagreenzines

*Billy – 7:05 – https://iknowbilly.com

*Andy/Reciwee Press – 19:37 – https://www.reciwee.com

*Hadass – 29:24 – https://hadass420.wordpress.com

Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:

*Henry Jaepelt – https://www.instagram.com/henryjaepelt/

*Calls for Submissions – https://seagreenzines.com/category/calls-for-submissions/

*Ed – https://edtillman.net

*Washi Love – https://youtu.be/esos7rZmPTw?si=6ODW753TYJ0I1V6b

My PO Box:

PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253

You Can Find Me At:


Channel art by Latibule: https://latibuleart.carrd.co

Xerox Days x 14thframe FOTP Lead-Up Prompts List

And who says there are no zine prompts lists in January or February?

@xeroxdays and @14thframe have teamed up to keep the inspiration and anticipation going for the legendary event that is Festival of the Photocopier!

So get your zine on before Melbourne’s awesome zine fest put on by @sticky_institute

Call For Submissions: Coin-Operated Press

Coin-Operated Press invites your body positive and body neutral submissions for their latest zine!

The body-neutral approach leans toward the belief that it doesn’t matter if you think your body is beautiful or not. Your value is not tied to your body nor does your happiness depend on what you look like. A body-positive approach says you are beautiful no matter what. Whichever movement you prefer, we want to see your body-based submissions!

We want to see your affirmation poetry, list of coping mechanisms for body dysmorphia, accessibility infographic, skin-care cross-stitch, anti-bodyshaming illustration, cellulite comic, radical self-love essay, acne photography, motivational posters, body hair collage, and so much more!! If it will fit on the pages of a zine, we want to see it!!

Check out the Coin Operated Press website and their Instagram account for more details.

Use the Google form on the website for submissions. Email submissions will not be accepted!

Call for Zine Submissions: Children of Immigrants

Mythical Type is collecting submissions for a zine about immigrant experiences called “Children of immigrants”. Submissions are open to anyone who grew up in an immigrant household.

Submissions Deadline: February 10th 2024

“Children of immigrants” is a compilation zine about immigrant experiences. Submissions are open to anyone who grew up in an immigrant household. (That is, you grew up in a different country from where your parents or grandparents are from.)

This is a half-page zine (5.5 inches wide by 8.5 inches tall), printed in full-color.

You do not have to have any experience making zines to submit content! All experience levels are welcome.

Full guidelines and the submission form are at https://mythicaltype.com/coi/

Zine Review: Nail Biting

Nail Biting
Renee H
One page folded

Nail Biting is a colour, one page folded mini-zine about nail biting made as part of Alphabet Superset Challenge.

When I cheekily commented on Renee’s Instagram post of this zine that I needed this zine in my life, I had no idea that I would soon be able to enjoy a copy in my hands. And not only that, learn so very much about a bad habit I have had for nearly as long as I can remember.

We open with Renee’s story of nail biting over the years that culminated in being determined to break the habit. We then learn about the parts of the nail as well as how damaging nail biting can be. We then go back to Renee and some of the reasons behind the nail biting habit and its links to self-harm, wrapping up with thoughts about how the self-destructive behaviour didn’t actually eliminate the feelings Renee was trying to escape.

My gosh, as someone who has bitten their nails off and on over the years, I am impressed by how much information has been packed into this little zine. I’ve never looked into the parts of the nail nor how much my habit could damage myself – in some ways permanently. I’d also never made the connection to self-destructive behaviour, an insight I find incredibly valuable and one that I will be pondering.

Aesthetically, this mini is lovely. Printed on cream paper with big, clear type. Green as an accent colour and using small design elements as well as typography to add visual interest. This mini is beautifully put together and in a way that suits an informative, personal zine about a very personal and deeper-than-some-think subject.

I really love how Renee handled including not only their contact details but the Alphabet Superset Challenge details and the letter this zine focuses on. It’s long been a nitpick of mine when there are no socials or even a hint of where to find other zines made by the person who made the zine I’ve just enjoyed. To have it all there, clear print, easy to read, and utilising the often-overlooked blank interior of a one page folded mini is definitely a little chef’s kiss element for me.

Nail Biting is a great example of a mini-zine on so many levels. Absolutely pick this one up.

Zine Review: Beer Tarot: Pulling Cards, Pouring Beer, & Discovering Self

Beer Tarot: Pulling Cards, Pouring Beer, & Discovering Self
32 pages
Courtney Iseman
Bean to Barstool

Beer Tarot: Pulling Cards, Pouring Beer, & Discovering Self is a US half-fold sized, full colour zine about tarot, craft beer, brewing, how it all ties together, and more.

“…the vital takeaway about Tarot is that it’s really a fascinating and frankly quite handy way of looking at the world and our lives, of processing our past, being grounded in our present, and framing what we want for the future.”

Beautifully written!

First off, I would like to point out how much I love this idea. At first I thought, “Beer and tarot? That’s an unexpected combination.” But the more I think about it, the more fabulous it seems! Some beers and pull out the tarot cards at the pub? Yes, please.

We open with a table of contents and all the creation of this zine details your heart could desire on the inside cover and then an introduction to the author herself (which includes a glorious picture with Courtney and her adorable pug). From there, we launch into a history of tarot, and what a history it is.

Courtney’s writing style is knowledgeable and inviting. Teaching you without lecturing you, she invites you into a world that you may or may not have any experience with. She smoothly brings you from the beginning of tarot’s story all the way to modern day where tarot’s resurgence is, in many spaces, forming a tie with craft beer and pubs. Not only that, it’s clear through her words that she has a passion for both subjects as well as how they tie together. Nothing comes across as dry or purely factual, and I love it.

We then get to read an interview with Nacim Menu who is co-owner of a tarot-themed craft brewery l’Ermitage Nanobrasserie in Brussels, and I found one of my favourite quotes about tarot:

“As always with Tarot, you don’t look for it, it comes to you.”

We’re treated to a series of beer Tarot readings pulled from Tvre Brewing’s custom deck followed by an interview with Max Sherman, Tvre’s graphic designer who created the Tvre Brewing deck! Yes, I am excited enough to use an exclamation for that. (Special side note: The subtitle of this interview is ‘How Craft Beer’s Most Metal Brewery Fully Embraced Tarot’, and I absolutely adore how metal has been worked into the mix in this zine too.) Max even gives us a look into the process of creating the deck, which took over a year.

I don’t usually write out the contents of a zine to such an extent, but this zine is totally to my taste (pun fully intended) both in the individual pieces as well as the whole. The zine itself is text heavy, but the font and font size are all good, and the design elements add some lovely aesthetics and relaxation for the mind. (As in, I don’t think I’m sitting down to study a dense textbook even though I am getting a lot of information.) Even the progression of the pieces – history of tarot, interview, readings, interview, wrapping up with a relaxing type of interview about beer, food, and tarot – flows so nicely.

Beer Tarot: Pulling Cards, Pouring Beer, & Discovering Self is an all-around excellent zine that taught me a lot and had me hooked from page one until the end. It is informative, visually pleasing, and connects subjects I wouldn’t have otherwise connected. I absolutely recommend checking this one out.

Happy Mail Monday – Meditation Funnies Edition

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMrLhZZuezI?si=9X25sF4jZeX9r21r&w=560&h=315]

Happy Meditative Monday, dear and wonderful zine friends. This week I have some fun comic goodness to share with you along with plenty of rambles and squirelly-brain moments. Enjoy!

*Like what I do here? Please consider checking out my Ko-Fi page where I post links to videos as well as sell my zines: https://ko-fi.com/seagreenzines

Elias’ Links:


Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:

*State of the Zineverse 2024 – https://youtu.be/4uUId6L3L9s?si=8r2fywe3DSKmraBz

My PO Box:

PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253

You Can Find Me At:


Channel art by Latibule: https://latibuleart.carrd.co

Call for Submissions: Queercrip Zine Issue 2

Queercrip Zine Issue 2 is looking for submissions!

*Open to anyone who identifies as queer and/or disabled.
*A rough date of completion by May 2024 and release by July 2024!

You can find all the info about submitting in the post and by checking out @queercriprecords – and you can send your submissions to queercriprecordsss@gmail.com

Deadline: 6 April, 2024