The Snailey Mailer: Random fun stuff about the United States Postal Service
Matt Carpenter
12 pages
The Snailey Mailer is a black and white half-letter zine filled with fun facts about the United States Postal Service.
This zine is yet another great example of why I love zines. Do I want to read fun facts about the USPS? Yes, please. Would I have thought of looking up these facts myself? Unlikely. Zines and the people who make them are awesome.
The Snailey Mailer launches right into things with a brief introduction and the first fun fact (yes, I’m calling them all fun) about the USPS. The first one is about motorcycle use for mail collection and delivery – which immediately made me wonder if any US towns still use them. We still do in Australia! That said, Australia doesn’t pick up mail from mail boxes like the US does. (Yes, I’m going into my own postal mail fun facts.)
We then go into facts about pneumatic tube mail (I would so love to have this somehow be a part of my life) which made me feel nostalgic for the drive up banking from my childhood, mail statistics (double yes – love statistics), what those marks on your envelopes mean, and more.
I think the fact that made me say ‘whoa’ with the most emphasis is: The Postal Service processes 118,152 address changes daily. Daily?! Wowza. And I had no idea they are one of the largest employees of veterans.
At this point, I feel like I am risking laying out the entire zine for you here in the review, so I will take a breath and talk about the aesthetics. As I get older and my eyesight gets worse, I appreciate nice, clear typing all the more. All the facts – including references – are printed in clear type and along with pictures to go along with the text. Matt’s sense of humour sneaks in with little captions below some of the images.
All up, I am a mail nerd and a fun facts nerd, so The Snailey Mailer is the perfect zine for me to sit down and chill with. Learn some interesting things and perhaps grow a deeper appreciation for your local postal workers by checking out this zine.
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