Zine Review: International Zine Month 2018

International Zine Month 2018
28 pages

International Zine Month 2018 is a quarter-sized black and white zine with a ‘page a day’ perzine style format covering July 2018.

While we aren’t even quite to June yet, International Zine Month (July) is already on my mind…

IZM 2018 opens with some very metal art elements on the inside front cover before launching into the intro. Hadass writes about feeling inspired to create a zine and deciding on a one page a day zine for the month.

Therein is day one, and we go right into day two in which Hadass writes about doing Tai Chi (and colour me intrigued and wanting to look more into it) every Monday. As the days of the month pass, we get a fun look into Hadass’ life with all sorts of subjects. Sharpie marker highs, memories from going through old journals, an Ozzy Osbourne concert, and plenty around metal and the impact of music on her life.

Hadass’ writing is raw and unapologetic. She writes without filter, the highs and lows of life, creativity, and art coming out on the page. She navigates the world of wife, mother, metalhead, zinemaker, writer, and so much more. Life is often chaos, and Hadass gives us a glimpse into how she handles hers. (Like a badass.)

The aesthetic of this zine is really a free flow of creativity. Some entries are typewritten and others handwritten. Some are words on backgrounds while others incorporate photos and drawings.

I’ve often talked and written about how much I like perzines and life update newsletters. This zine mixes the two into a diary zine. While this is from six (!) years ago at this point, it’s still interesting to get a peek into my friend’s life. As well as ride the highs and lows of creating with her. I also learned that we have something in common: a sweet tooth!

I really enjoyed this zine on multiple levels, and had started my creative engines going not only for IZM 2024 but for getting into a writing routine for my novel.

PS. I now have ‘Wreck This Journal’ on my wishlist. Sounds like fun!

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