Done, Doing, Dreaming – Hayfever Edition

No happy mail this week, so here’s a less structured version of DDD.


I have been hit by hayfever HARD, to the point where I felt I had no choice but to phernergan up. While it works great as an antihistamine and has long-lasting results (for me), it also puts me to sleep for one to two days in exchange.

That was… awesome. Nothing like difficulty breathing to remind you why you’re moving far, far away.


I finished the layout for Don’t Call Me Cupcake 6 yesterday and am taking a little break from proofing it to write this post. Regular trading partners will have their copies in the mail this week and, with some luck, I’ll have the paper and digital versions up in Etsy this week as well.

In the wake of Asimov’s sudden operation and the fact he still might need another one, he’s become – against his will – an indoor cat. Thanks to a 50% off sale and my increasing levels of fur-mama guilt, I bought and built him a cat tower.


Bigger than I was expecting…


Asimov: Customs Cat


Of course you like the box more.


This should be easy…


Are we done yet?


Behold! Cat tower! 100% built by Nyx!


I think he actually likes it… Then again, why wouldn’t he like being above my head?

Yep, that’s really all. My brain isn’t quite working on all cylinders at the moment, so bear with me. More to come!