International Zine Month 2017 Day 20: Free Zine Day!

Give away a copy of your zine

Hello, my wonderful zine friends! We’ve traded our zines, we’ve left them out in public for people to find, and how it’s time to give them away!

Yeah, I’m using the same picture I used for trade day. šŸ˜‰

Because I’m too lazy to take a new picture, I’ve decided to use this one and give away two of my zines. The same things apply as trade day in that you need to leave a comment here, send me your mailing address to, and have to be okay with a ‘lucky dip’ in that you don’t get to pick which zine you get.

That’s all! If you’re keen on a free zine from Australia, you know what to do. ^_^

Other Zinesters Joining In (Let me know if you are, and I’ll add you to the list!):


Play along with 31 Days of International Zine Month Activities here!

2 Replies to “International Zine Month 2017 Day 20: Free Zine Day!”

  1. I’ve had an email query as well, so that’s it for the two free zines, I’m afraid! I’ll do more giveaways as soon as possible. ^_^

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