Hello and happy Monday, zine friends!
I hope the start to your week has been good and has you feeling ready to take on the rest of the week. To be honest, mine hasn’t been all the spectacular, but Wanderer’s birthday is tomorrow, and there’s a lot to look forward to for celebrating his day.
And, of course, the day is bright when my post box is full of zines and goodies!
Lady Orchidia got in contact a recently to talk zines and about sending her zine The Fragments Zine all the way here to the land of Oz. I know the postage to Australia can be rough and really appreciate how much bigger that can make the decision to send a zine for review.
But I do so love a perzine, so I think we’re already off to a great start. I also love when zines sent to me for review arrive with a note. ^_^
Thank you very much to Lady Orchida for Fragments 5 – and the feedback on Don’t Call Me Cupcake 5!
Fishspit mail! I always know when it’s happy mail from Fishspit because his envelope collages are always spectacular. I mean, look at this:
That’s just the front of it. I love it.
Fishspit always sends interesting bits and bobs along as well, and I’m looking forward to reading the selection of zines he’s sent along.
Big hugs and big thanks, Fishspit!
Slowquest pack! I know I talk about a lot of things I adore, but I do especially adore the acts of generosity and trade that happen in the zine community. Bodie really went above and beyond in trading this cool padded envelope of awesomeness.
Even the address label is cool!
Piiiins! Awesome pins! This dungeon pin and…
…this wizard pin (both for sale in his shop, by the way) are happily pinned in with the rest of my pin collection. So cool!
Lillian Cuda! I’m not 100% sure on this, but I’m fairly sure this is the first Lillian Cuda zine I have now. Firsts! This lovely was sent my way from a friend who had a looksee at my zine wishlist.
Thank you to my friend, Carol, and to Lillian for the little extras!
That’s it for me today, zine friends. As always, there’s plenty to do but not enough time to do it. I may be back tomorrow, though I’m not sure with what at this point. Haha. Feel free to make suggestions.
I will definitely be back Wednesday because I’ll have a podcast to share with you…
Until then!