Very possibly boring site stuff. I’m not sure. Haha
Hellooooo zine friends! And happy Tuesday which is kind of like a Monday if you also had a public holiday yesterday.
I’m so tired. Haha.
Today is the first ‘official’ day here on the new hosting. It’s not really that big of a deal, but it also feels nice to have a bit more freedom with what I do on the site – at least in the background. It also allows me to do some really cool things that I don’t quite want to announce until I’m closer to being ready.
Super secret zine stuff, ya know.
There’s still a lot of things to do – mostly tweaking and fixing things that don’t work. Right now the priority list is fixing all the embedded videos. Then I’ll move on to see what I can do with the various dead links.
The Zine Review Index has finally been updated for the first time in quite a while. I still have to update and ramp up the Resources page.
Special Note: If you’d like to subscribe via email, you can do so by checking out the sidebar on site. You’ll receive emails whenever I post something new. I’m not going to go the newsletter route.
That’s me for today, I’m afraid. I’m a bit brain fried and tired. I will be back on Thursday for our regularly scheduled zine goodness.
Until next time…