Once More With Feeling

Deep breaths…

Like what I do here? Consider supporting me and Sea Green Zines on Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/seagreenzines

My PO Box:
Nyx @ Sea Green Zines
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253


*Nobody Cares About Your Stupid Zine Podcast – https://portlandbuttonworks.com/blog/zine-podcast-archive



Thank you so much for watching and for support in all forms.

Channel Art by Latibule: https://latibuleart.carrd.co

Happy Mail Monday Delay

Hello all! I’m not feeling well today, so we will have a longer Happy Mail Monday next week on November 4th!

Until then, pretty sunset is pretty. đŸŒș

Happy Mail Monday Delay

Hello, dear zine friends!

I’m afraid I’m going to have to delay Happy Mail Monday this week. I always want to give the mail that comes my way all of my energy and focus. Unfortunately, that’s not possible at the moment, as I’m fighting off an infection. I’m immunocompromised and need to put all my focus and what energy I have to getting better.

I will try to get an episode of Nyx Reads up this week as well as zine reviews, but I can’t make any promises for this week. However, I promise to do my absolute best to bring full sunshine to Happy Mail next week.

Until then, take care, dear hearts.

A Small Note

Hello, zine friends! I’m afraid I am not feeling so well today, and it wouldn’t be fair to the people who so generously send me mail to record when I can’t bring all the sunshine. 😁 So I will be resting and catching up on admin. Have a fabulous week!

Also, here is a picture of zine car Asimov who is always happy for me to rest more.

Quick Update on ZineWriMo Calendar

So it turns out I am super enthusiastic about blackout poetry and listed it twice! I’ve now updated the calendar, but regardless of whether you do two days of blackout poetry or have some fun making a mess, it’s all good. Enjoy!

A Quick Note Pre-ZineWriMo

Hello, friends! It’s a beautiful Monday here in this part of Oz, but my post box is empty! But no worries. I’ll be back before you know it. In the meantime, get ready for ZineWriMo!



Like what I do here? Consider supporting me and Sea Green Zines on Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/seagreenzines

Thank you so much for watching and for support in all forms.


My PO Box:

Nyx @ Sea Green Zines
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253


You Can Find Me At:



Channel Art by Latibule: https://latibuleart.carrd.co

ZineWriMo 2023 is Coming!

While I certainly don’t want to take anything away from the spooky season, November approaches! Usually I’m a little more last minute than I want to be, but I am very excited to have the 2023 ZineWriMo calendar ready and waiting for all your Prep-tober needs. What’s ZineWriMo then? If you’re not familiar, ZineWriMo is the zine alternative to NaNoWriMo created by Jasper (I no longer have any social links for them) a few years ago. I am another happy participant who decided to dive right in and create a prompts list for the occasion. I try to focus on a list that gives a bit of challenge but isn’t too stressful. In Jasper’s words: “ZineWriMo is a new idea that came to me in wanting to combine the original NaNoWriMo and zines! ZineWriMo is November! We focus on making one, or many, zines in November! Our only goal is to create zines, no word count requirement!“ Dive in, join up, and let’s get ready to zine! Feel free to email me at seagreenzines@gmail.com if you’d like me to send you the list in PDF or larger .JPG form.

Little Update – Admin Week

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnTO55NYEss&w=560&h=315]

There’s no happy mail to share this week – but there is plenty to send out! I’ll be taking an admin week to catch up on sending out happy mail, emails and other messages, as well as other admin things for Sea Green Zines.

Have some fun!