Mini-Zine Review: Zinespiration


Zinespiration is a full-colour A7 mini-zine about stimulating creative inspiration.

With it being November when I’m reviewing this and thus the month of ZineWriMo, I though a zine about inspiration would be absolutely perfect to review during this month.

Zinespiration is a little mini that packs a lot of awesomeness. Nina takes the reader through ‘things that help simulate my creative mind’ to ‘things that inspire me’ in the form of words accompanied by colourful art, patterns and pictures. Each page is full of goodness but not cluttered with both words and elements making me smile and feel ready to take up my pen.

I especially love how Nina works in reminders about self-care because, even in my creative life, it’s something I personally forget often.

As with all of Nina’s work, this zine is a pleasure to look at. Nina’s handwriting is amazing and absolutely clear – as are even the smallest elements like a small bicycle and a small record player. Everything flows together so nicely that it’s as if you’re being carried along in a gentle river as you look through.

And, of course, one of my favourite elements of a mini-zine: the surprise inside. When you unfold Zinespiration, you find an awesome collage of stickers, art, patterned paper/tap, and short phrases to keep carrying you along your creative inspiration journey.

Have I mentioned recently how much I love Nina’s creations?

Zinespiration is a fantastic mini-zine in every way that will add something wonderful to every zine collection.

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