Zine Review: Work in Progress


Work in Progress
Gemma Flack

In the intro, Gemma says that this is not something she usually does (make perzines, talk about herself and her insecurities, etc). Well, for someone who doesn’t usually do this sort of thing, it’s an excellent read. Hell, for someone who does do this sort of thing, it’s an excellent read. I would have assumed she’d been doing perzine stuff for years if she hadn’t stated in the beginning that she didn’t.

Anyway. I really like this zine. I know I say that a lot, but it comes with the territory when you don’t put up reviews of zines you really don’t like. Gemma has a very refreshing voice that ‘clear’ and doesn’t beat you over the head with anything. She states what her world is like and invites you in, but that is where it stays. You go in if you like, take what you will. She doesn’t force anything on you.

I really love how she ties something as complex as space travel and life on other planets with something as (relatively) simple as Star Trek and South Park. The connections aren’t forced or anything; it reads so simply and smoothly that I wonder at the fact that Gemma says she doesn’t consider herself to be a writer.

I think the thing that I appreciated most in this zine is this line in the smack dab middle piece:

I grew up not really knowing anything about feminism.

For someone who didn’t grow up with feminism, hadn’t really heard much of anything about it until university, and someone who still feels out of place when others are talking about it, it was really nice to read this. To be reminded that we all had to start somewhere – even the strongest voices.

And, as much as it means this review getting even longer, I can’t finish this review before I talk about the positivity piece she wrote. It was a ‘wow’ moment for me. I forget that we are rarely alone in our experiences, and many of mine were similar to Gemma’s. How she talked about the amount of time and re-education it took to get to a place of acceptance was a beautiful reminder that you can’t go from A to B instantly. I’m far from where she is, but I’m glad she shared her story so I know that I can get there eventually.

I’m a Trading Card! Zinester Trading Cards Series 2

Zinester Trading Cards

Billy Da Bunny has done it again with his Zinester Trading Cards, Series 2 now on Etsy. What’s even more cool – I’m one of them!

Talk about a bucket list thing that I didn’t think I’d be awesome enough to accomplish. I’m a trading card. Squee! The proof is on the Etsy listing. Click THIS LINK to check on the listing on Etsy, go to the third picture, and you will see that there is, indeed, a ‘Nyx’ card. Whee!

Full color trading cards of zinesters from all over the world. Buy them, trade them, collect them! There are 32 different cards.

Cards are printed on glossy cardstock paper, measuring 2.75″ X 4.25″. Front of the card shows the person or place, back of the card tells stats and contact information. Collect them all!

New Zealand International Zine Exhibition & Traveling Zine Library Call for Submissions / Donations

Myrtle Chickpea is putting together an International Zine Exhibition and a Traveling Zine Library in little ole New Zealand. Zine submissions always needed!

My name is Sam (aka Murtle Chickpea) and I am contacting you to see if you would be at all interested in submitting one of your zines for a zine exhibition I am getting off the ground in my home country New Zealand.

The immediate idea is to show the collection in a gallery setting, possibly even touring the country with it. Then over time, as the collection grows, I am hoping to set up a mobile zine library but I would like to call it a Zine Museum instead of a library because it sounds more super cool and important.

What I am after from people is a zine or selection of zines along with a small personal blurb and their online store details so people can purchase directly from the maker.
Basically I love making and reading zines and want to spread the awesomeness as far and wide as I can!


All questions, concerns, ideas and queries can be emailed to me and all the ziney goodness can be posted to me at:

Murtle Chickpea
93 Revans Street
New Zealand

Uuummm……this is exciting! Spread the word!

Thank you’s and hugs and more thank you’s

Murtle Chickpea

TUMBLR: http://zinemuseum.tumblr.com/
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/ZineMuseum

Zine Review: ‘Bots is ‘Bots: Issue One

2015-10-22 17.04.31

‘Bots is ‘Bots: Issue One

Woo! This zine came as an awesome zine trade on Zines A Go Go on Facebook. Gregg was awesomely generous and sent me six issues of ”Bots is ‘Bots’.

‘Bots is ‘Bots is a set of short comics featuring Glad’Bot, Sad’Bot, Mad’Bot, and Chad’Bot. They’re ‘slices of life’ comics that aren’t really impacted by the main characters being robots. Their being robots, however, is a pretty fun quirk to throw into the mix.

It is a quick read. Not only is it a comic, but it’s a fairly uncomplicated one. I quite liked it just for that, though. Sometimes it’s really, really nice to have something that you don’t have to think about – that you can just enjoy.

What I really liked about this zine comes from my novelist side in terms of structure. The very first comic kind of stands out as not quite fitting. It jarred a tiny bit. In a structural way, I loved how Gregg brought is all back – full circle, you could say – with the final comic. I’m not sure how much that’ll make sense if you haven’t checked it out, so you should definitely check it out.


Happy Mail From USA & New Zealand!

Woo! Mail!

Yeah, it’s going to be a double post kind of day, starting with some mail. Because I love mail. If you hadn’t already sorted that out.


Moving on. First, a zine trade from Fishspit on WMZ. He even send an extra zine and a card. Shame on me for not including a pic of the awesome envelope art as well. I really need to up my mail/envelope art game


Next up, a cool pocket letter from New Zealand. Pocket letters are like advent calendars – there’s all kinds of fun bits and pieces to discover.



Well, I am going to keep it short and sweet for mail today so I can get on with reviews!

Call for Calls for Submissions


I feel like I’m attempting to break the internet by posting a call for submissions call for submissions.

But that’s it! I want to share your call for submissions. Your call for donations to your zine library. So on. So forth. All the things! Leave a comment here. 🙂

Big fuzzy love hearts to those of you who use graphics (and thus save me time) for their calls for submissions!

Zine Review: Ker-Bloom! 106


Ker-Bloom! 106 – January – February 2014

“Ker-bloom! is a life history letterpress printed in installments.”

The zine world is huge and not mainstream, so it’s simply not possible to read all of the zines out there. Or even hear of all of the zines out there. So when I saw this in Sticky and realised that I’d heard of it somewhere before, I had to grab it.

The quality of the zine itself is undeniable. Textured cardstock cover, letterpress, words indented into the cover, a 300-zine print run (holy guacamole!) with the copy number, the lovely interior paper… It’s a ‘simple’ zine in its simplicity, but the materials and tools used to create it make it gorgeous.

The content inside is a snippet of live. Tales of owning real estate. I don’t know how I do it with picking zines, but I just so happen to have a tiny obsession with real estate. I don’t actually own any, but people have been known to save the real estate sections of the paper for me.

Hey. Love is love.

Anyway, that’s all there is to it. A snippet of life. A tale of heating systems. I liked it and was sad that it was over so soon.

In the end, though, Ker-Bloom is one of those zines that has the quality and reputation that leaves me feeling like I’m back in university wondering if there’s something that I’m missing that everyone understands. That could be my feelings of inadequacy, or I could really be missing something. Ker-Bloom 106 was a pleasant experience, no doubt, but it’s not going into my permanent collection. Am I missing something? Do I need to read more of them? Is it about the duration that this zine has survived?

While Ker-Bloom does have a post address on the back along with ‘artnoose’ as the name, there are no other details as to the creator of the zine or how to contact him or her. While I would usually rave on about this (I’m a lazy lurker), I get the feeling that the lack of URLs and such is actually on purpose. I could guess that it has something to do with keeping to the roots of the zine (it’s been running for a long time), or that it wants to keep with the otherwise ‘classic book’ feel of the zine. I really don’t know. So I won’t rave about it, I’ll merely mention it.

And wonder if I’m not quite understanding something.

Zine Review: Pieces #4 On Lucid Dreaming

Pieces 4

Pieces #4 On Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming! I love lucid dreaming. I’ve only done it a few times, but each time has been amazing. But, moving on, because this is not a review of my lucid dreams.

The beauty of having so many issues of a zine is that I get to see it grow and change. In Pieces #4, I feel like we’ve gone from life musings in a general sense to something ‘outside’ Nichole that she’s passionate about. This zine is packed full not only with her experiences but also with information on lucid dreaming – like techniques to use to help you achieve lucid dreaming.

I really enjoyed that. I feel like it’s a lucid dreaming handbook that I can refer back to when I feel the need. There’s even a list of resources for further reading, which I always appreciate.

About half of the zine is dedicated to her dream diary. Dreams are like sports to me, though: I’d rather be in the action than watching (or reading, in this case) it all happen. Even so, this zine is a keeper.

So This Happened…


Apparently I need to “move more” and “lose weight” so I can “live longer”.


The common preaching line is to ‘find an exercise you love’. While a lot of people think dancing or swimming, I thought boxing. A couple weeks ago, I got the whole set up and have loved every bit of it ever since.

Who’d have thought that I’d actually like exercising in the morning?

I jarred my hand, it got a bit swelled and painful, Wanderer insisted I go to the doctor, and the doc insisted that I get an x-ray.

Really, this day has mostly been a product of other people insisting things. Haha.

Anyway, I’ll find out tomorrow if I need to plaster or wrap the thing. Whee!