Call for Calls for Submissions: Spread the Word About Your Zine!

Zine Calls for Submissions

Share your call for submissions, announce your newest zine, let people know you are crowdfunding… If you have an announcement to make that has to do with zines, do it here! Sea Green Zines wants to be your megaphone. Even better? It’s an automatic shout out on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr when you advertise here.

Big fuzzy love hearts to those who have a .jpg call for subs, but all are welcome. Get in touch by emailing theauthor[at] or comment below.

Call for Submissions: Sound-Bites Zine, Issue 7.0

Sound Bites Zine

It’ll make you lucky! This time around, listen to the storm.

Is it booming out loud or a quiet patter of rain?

Does it dispel the humidity or bring more?

Do you feel your head clearing or your heart beating?

Whatever and wherever the storm is to you, now is the time to pay attention to sound. Perhaps there are raucous storms where you previously believed there existed a pearly pool of calm. I’ll be writing a follow-up piece with more ideas for you on how to begin listening and increase your listening fun.

Send your answers (photos, doodles, sound recordings, poems, lyrics, short prose, found objects) to They can be your original work or the work of another artist/author/musician who addresses the question.

All contributors get a free physical copy in the mail along with endless love and ice cream.

Happy listening!

Mini Zine Review: Read

Read Mini Zine

Chris Graves

Today’s review is a short and sweet one for you.

Read is, as Chris puts it, “A mini-zine of mini-reviews OR A taste of some of the things I’ve read in the last month”.

I like that it’s not just text on paper (nothing against zines like that, though). Some reviews have mini-pictures of the covers, and there are little bits of colour here and there as well. I find it funny that the same book – The Lone Wolf by Jodi Picoult – has been recommended in the two book review zines I’ve read. I’ll have to check it out.

This zine does contain on of those things that makes me go ‘hrmph’ – lack of contact/social media. You might make a zine just for you or only for your friends, but you never know if your zine will end up all the way in Australia with someone like me who’d like to see your website. 🙂

Zine Review: Ethical Sloth 4 – Happy Horror

Ethical Sloth Zine

Ethical Sloth 4 – Happy Horror
Annika Pepita, Sandra Haselsteiner, Raoul Berlin, Nina Echozina, Lilli Loge, Tony Trouble, Patch Sinclair, Yori Gagarim, Tanja Is, Anna Bas Backer, C.C., Dana Moustache

The red splatter on the cover is actual paint, not printing. I love that! Anything that’s a little extra ‘something’ added after the printing makes a zine that much more fun for me.

With the blood spatter across the cover and ‘Happy Horror’ as a subtitle, I assumed this was a horror zine. As it turns out, it is, but it’s much more than that…

Ethical Sloth 4 is a collection of comics that takes a horror lens on all too real experiences of sexism, fear, and a lot more. I don’t think I’ve read a zine that was an assortment of comics before, and this was a great introduction to it. I enjoyed the wide variety of artistic styles, from more full page types of comics…

Ethical Sloth Comic 1

…to more traditional panel type of comic…

Ethical Sloth Comic 2

As you may have noticed, the second comic is in German (I believe), so I wasn’t able to understand some of it. But therein lies the beauty of images; I was able to get the gist of some parts.

“Piece of Meat” was my favourite of all of them, as it got me thinking and spun my expectations in just a few pages without very many words involved. I have to admire the ability to do that.

If you like comics, supporting the queer community, and zines addressing subjects like sexism, misogyny, etc, then take a look at Ethical Sloth.