Zine Review: SlowQuest – A Choose Your Own Adventure Zine – Quest I: The Goblin Guard


SlowQuest – A Choose Your Own Adventure Zine – Quest I: The Goblin Guard

Sometimes you see a zine, and you instantly know that you want to get a copy. This is one of those zines.

SlowQuest is a choose your own adventure zine taking you on an adventure for glory and riches! Standing in your way? A goblin guard…

I love this zine so much. On the aesthetic side, it’s superb. It’s well made, the art is incredibly detailed and invites you to inspect it closely, the cream-coloured interior paper suits very well, everything is so nicely put together, and even the corners are rounded. The whole thing is not only fun but speaks to a dedication to making even the tactile experience of the zine a good one.

I have talked a little bit about zine re-readability in reviews, but this is re-readability of a different sort. After I found out that my ‘natural instinct’ adventurer days would be about as monetarily rewarding as my actual life (hahaha), I immediately went back to trying all the different possibilities. The size of the zine is deceptive in that there were even more options than I expected there to be.

I felt like a kid again, and it was awesome.

Also, two thumbs way up for clear contact details:


This is one of those zines that I’m probably going to have to get another copy to loan out because I don’t want anyone messing with my copy.

PS. Shout out to Zine-O-Matic for having such good taste in zines and for granting a wish on my zine wishlist. 🙂

10 Replies to “Zine Review: SlowQuest – A Choose Your Own Adventure Zine – Quest I: The Goblin Guard”

  1. I was just recently looking at that zine! Added it to my ‘maybe treat myself to this next month’ list! (it’s a really long list, I keep coming across things I want to get myself while shopping for others but December is the month where I don’t buy anything for myself!)

    1. I have one of those lists, too, or else I’d forget all the cool stuff I come across. Hehe. December is certainly a month of tight budgets for one reason or another, that’s for sure.

      1. That and in my family, we have a strict rule of come December, you don’t buy anything for yourself in case it’s something someone’s bought you as a present. I can be sure no one has thought of buying my zines for Christmas but if I buy myself one thing, I’ll likely feel the urge to buy myself more and it’ll just set off a chain reaction!

        1. That’s a good rule to have, though having two of some things might not be a problem. 😉 It’s definitely best to go cold turkey with all these sales happening.

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