Happy Mail! – Holiday Mail Crush Edition


I worry about mail getting to its destination at the best of times, but this time of year – the holiday mail crush – I am extra anxious. Honestly, I didn’t expect to get any happy mail this month thanks to the slow down. Yeah, that’s a bit of an extreme assumption, but that’s how my anxiety works.

So when I have received these beauties in the mail, I’ve wanted to say, “I’m so glad you made it here okay!”

I didn’t because they’re not actually alive or anything…


Moving on!


Happy mail from Chris! Chris writes books as well as zines, and it’s fun to write to a fellow author.


A lovely letter and stamp set from a fairly new pen friend from SendSomething.net. If you want to send out a lot of mail but don’t know where to start, I definitely recommend SendSomething. It’s very simple and easy to use.


Fishspit happy mail! I must admit that I was hanging out a bit for this one, as I knew it had to be coming soon. Fishspit continues to send lovely things wrapped up in very cool envelope art. Plus a copy of the latest Wiseblood!


How cute is this tiny cat? This is definitely going next to my tiny green cat and my tiny hamster. 🙂


My Neighbour Totoro coin purse! I absolutely adore pretty much all things Miyazaki. His movies are some of my favourites, but there isn’t exactly a lot of memorabilia around where I live. Thank you so much!

I hope you are all having a lovely week full of lots of happy mail and staying warm or cool depending on where you live. You’re amazing!

Call for Submissions: Thoughts Of You – A Dennis Wilson Fanzine


Theme: Anything inspired by the life, death and songs/music of Dennis Wilson, and/or his inspiration / contributions / role in The Beach Boys.

*Ongoing/no deadline.*

Looking for poems, fiction, humour, photos, art (illustration / collage /comics / memes, photoshops/edits /whatever) essays / articles / reviews, diary comics / graphic essays, memories / tributes &/or personal fan/fandom stories and tributes or anything else you can create.

Zine format will be colour & b/w pdf / A4 b/w print edition (+ pos a colour edition).
Planning to sell the finished zine grassroots homeless / anti-poverty charities.
Published contributers will recieve a free copy.
Long formal post w/ more info, (needs tweaking) http://denniswilsonzine.tumblr.com/post/152496063727/thoughts-of-you-zine-call-for

About the zine/blog / Basic idea

Interested in submitting or have any questions?
or dwzine (at) gmail (dot)com

Call for Submissions: Crown, Leg, Tooth


I’m always looking for poetry about staplers for our zine Crown, Leg, Tooth.

Folks can reach me at denveravepress@gmail.com or

Denver Avenue Press
1319 se MLK Blvd
Suite 214
Portland, OR 97214

Anybody whose poem we use will get twenty copies of C,L,T as a thank you.

Zine Review: Anecdata 2


Anecdata 2
Olivia M June

24 Hour Zine Thing!

Starting with a side note: I really like it when people mention when their zine is a 24 hour zine thing because it’s a quick and simple way to spread the word about it, but it also usually means I’m in for some fun, ‘not even the zine author expected this’ pieces.

Misspelling Anecdata while typing this review inspired me to actually look up the definition of ‘anecdata’, and I must say that I absolutely adore when there’s a ‘not quite secret’ extra layer of meaning to the title of a zine. (See: A Visitor in Myself https://seagreenzines.com/2016/05/06/mini-zine-review-a-visitor-in-myself-2/ ) I was going to share the definition, but I’m starting to feel like that might be a spoiler-ish move, so I’ll leave it to you to Google ‘define anecdata’ if you’re so inclined.

As I mentioned in my review of Anecdata 1, Olivia’s writing style is open to glimpsing her life but also has these strong ‘pay attention and remember’ moments. For instance, she shares some thoughts about her personal experiences with depression before launching into the reminder that depression can be about more than feeling sad. Then she gives a list of other symptoms before easily sliding back into her own experience of some of those symptoms.

Olivia also writes about all sorts of things including pills, poetry, penpalling, and not liking chocolate. There’s also a self-sketch (sketchie?), poetry, a list, and more recommendations – this time of the science fiction and fantasy book variety.

Though this zine is bigger than the first, it keeps the same cut and paste aesthetic that I enjoyed from the first zine.

I must say that I’m really enjoying this zine series, and it’s one of those ones that has set me on a ‘I need to have them all in my zine collection’ path.

Zine Review: Brainscan 21: irreconcilable differences


Brainscan 21: irreconcilable differences
Alex Wrekk

This zine is complicated.

I don’t mean that comment to be flippant or dismissive. Quite the opposite. I’ve never read a zine that had me examining my own behaviour and the behaviour of my partner to the extent that I felt the need to sit down and have an intense talk with my partner about our relationship. It’s that level of personal involvement with the content and its implications that earns it this comment from me.

As Alex Wrekk puts it, Brainscan 21: irreconcilable differences “started out as a letter to explain my perspective to someone, to give context to my behaviors and concerns.” Inside, Alex documents thoughts, feelings, and the unanswered questions that surrounded her through her six-year relationship that eventually came to an end due to many things including emotional abuse.

What makes this zine a complex one is that it addresses the issues of emotional abuse and power dynamics within relationships. In school, I was taught about sexual abuse, physical abuse, and even mental abuse in a rather cut and dried, black and white manner. But emotional abuse can be a more complicated issue and thus brushed over. And yet I feel like it’s so important because it’s the subtlety of this kind of abuse that can make it so dangerous.

At one point, Alex talked about having picked up a few of the bad behaviours from her ex-partner and how she’d caught herself using them. It was one of those examples that prompted me to have a sit down with Wanderer about the dynamics in our relationship.

Though Alex does talk about specific events, this zine is not a tit-for-tat list of every argument or event. Alex keeps it very much to her perspective, thoughts, and feelings during this time. If I had to guess, I’d say it was written very close to everything or at least during a time when everything was still quite raw. There’s an almost ‘foggy’ nature to some of Alex’s writing, especially at the end when musing the bigger picture: abuse in a society that seems to support the psychopath, the sociopath, the abuser, the manipulator. A ‘fogginess’ that I recognise in myself.

As someone who grew up with abuse, however, it’s hard not to inject my own thoughts and feelings regarding working through things into Alex’s experience of working through things. This is also something that makes this zine complicated – at least, for me to review it.

All in all, this is a zine I would recommend because there’s so much here to think about but also because it’s important for these experiences to be shared.

Five Tips for Sending Your Zine to Zine Reviewers

Good afternoon beautiful zine people.

Today I was thinking about mail (as I do often) and how fortunate I have been to receive utter awesomeness from lovely people around the world. It hasn’t been that long since I received the very first zine sent to me from someone I had no connection with, purely for review purposes.

Receiving that absolutely blew my mind because it was one of those ‘I’m making it doing this thing I love’ moments. Not only that, the person who sent the zine did absolutely everything I could have desired as a zine review to make it easy to identify them (the info I put with each zine review) as well as establish the expectation that the zine was sent for review.


In turn, that got me thinking about tips for sending your zine to zine reviewers. It’s similar to a tips post I wrote way back when I reviewed books, and people seemed to like it, so away we go.

FiveTips for Sending Your Zine to Zine Reviewers

*Check the website. They’ll often have FAQs or other ‘about’ pages that’ll answer your questions in regards to tastes, formats, genres, and even reviewing style. This is a big one in that it can save everyone a lot of time. You don’t want to send your lit zine to someone who only reviews punk music zine reviews. That sort of thing.

*Include a note. I love included notes just because, but they serve a function as well. (More on what to put in the note to follow.) I like a mystery as much as the next person, but notes are definitely helpful – especially if you don’t have an established relationship with the person you’re sending to. Even if you’ve already chatted through email and they know the zine(s) is coming, still include a note.

*Mention the website. This isn’t as important to me personally now because SeaGreenZines is the only zine-related site I have going, but it used to drive me nuts years ago when I was doing book reviews and posting book promos.

At one point, I had over half a dozen websites that I wrote for, reviewed on, and/or sold advertising space on. People would email me and say, “Here’s my ad. Thanks!” I would have no idea what site they were talking about, and it always added that much more work to my day, made me cranky, and delayed their ad going up.

*Mention how you found them. This is more fun than anything else, but I love it when people mention where they found me. Instagram, the website itself, someone else mentioning me/the site. It’s nice to know but can also be valuable in terms of letting the reviewer know what’s working as far as time investment goes.

*Include your details. I have a business card with all my links and such on it that I toss in with any zine I send to a new person. Even included in the note, this is a good move. Make it easy for people to check out your other internet spaces, and they will.


The sun is out, the day is beautiful, and I have a couple things to tell you…


Artwork by Zoe Steers

Festival of the Photocopier!

Yes, the dates have been announced (Feb 12), and Sea Green Zines will be attending! I just had my table confirmed. I am just as nervous (if not more so) than last year, but the whole thing was SUCH a great experience. Plus, I know more people now! I’ll probably go all anxiety-fuelled loud and obnoxious (again), but I’ll know more people.

Anyway, I’m babbling. Barring any catastrophe, I will be there! (I also might be launching something extra special…)


I am now on Patreon!

Patreon is similar to crowdfunding except that you can support a creator longer term or on a per project basis. The idea is (I think) that continued support in that form means a creator can focus on creating rather than needing to crowdfund each project (which can be exhausting).

If you follow my Twitter, you may have noticed that I was a little anxious about the prospect of joining up. Part of it was that I have a couple very loud acquaintances who are very much against everything like crowdfunding and Patreon.

I don’t do well with the very loud.

The other side of it is feeling like I don’t even deserve the chance to be open to that kind of support. However, I have been making an effort lately to treat myself the way I treat other people. I would encourage anyone who needs support to go for it, so I’m extending that feeling to myself.

I’m new to the whole thing, so please check it out and let me know if you have any suggestions. If you are also on Patreon, please let me know so I can check out your page.

That’s all for the announcements, though there are one or two in the mix to come eventually. I hope you are all having a wonderful week!