Welcome to Sea Green Zines, a home all for the love of zines. I'm Nyx, your resident zine enthusiast, showing off the zine goodness on YouTube and doing other zine-ish things.
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Dear You,
You know who you are. Or I guess you would, if I could have just been honest from the start. I suppose from where we are now all of this might seem silly. All this unnecessary tension. I tell you that I love you almost every day but I’m not sure if you really know. We joke that everybody knows that we love each other but it isn’t them I’m worried about, it’s you. You know that I love you and you know that I’d do anything for you. It’s what you don’t know that kills me. I would let you hurt me over and over again, and I do, because I love you. I will step back and be happy for you and play the role I’ve given myself, because I love you. I don’t resent you, and I’m not sure I ever could.
I just hate myself for lying to you every time I tell you the truth.
I love you, and I always will.
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