Happy Mail Monday – Late Edition

Happy Monday, zine friends! I am definitely not awake yet. How about you? It’s really not a good sign here considering that it’s about 8.30pm that I am typing this. Haha.

I have some gorgeous mail to share with you this week from gorgeous people. I love it!

This, the 45th issue of The Ken Chronicles, made it into my post box this morning, making it a lovely start to the week. Even lovelier is the story of this zine. I traded a copy of Paper Currency with Ken for The Ken Chronicles 44. Ken noticed that it cost me $9 shipping to send him PC, put the figures into the exchange rate, and told me that it costs me three times more to send him that zine than it cost him to send me his zine.

I didn’t really think about it (besides my usual shipping grumbles), but he actually did the math! And send me this zine in his wonderful generosity to make up for the difference in shipping. I really can’t thank him enough.

If you like perzines, then definitely check out Ken Bausert on We Make Zines. He’s a good guy, and there are a lot of things about his zines to enjoy.

How cute is this zine? The title, the picture of the potato… I am struggling not to use all caps at times here. How am I supposed to get anything done when y’all are sending me zines that I want to read immediately?

The struggle is so real, and a huge thank you to Keira for sending me Small Potatoes #1 for review!

Sober Booooooob! We may be a good many weeks into Sober Bob’s weekly zine (way to go on that note, Bob), but I am nothing if not even more excited to see a zine from Bob in the mail. She has me hooked. I’m like a thought vampire. Write mini-zines about your lives and send them to me. They keep me going.

Thank you, Sober Bob!


That’s me for now. I’ll be back soon with today’s daily ZineWriMo post. Woo!

10 Replies to “Happy Mail Monday – Late Edition”

    1. I’m looking forward to it. I’ll do a proper post on it when I’m able. I had to take it down for now because there is apparently a typo on there. :/

      1. I look forward to your post! And don’t worry too much about the typo though. It can be part of zines. 🙂

  1. Lots of happy mail! Speaking of which, I just got some happy mail today, so many adorable sloths – thank you! 🙂

    1. I’m glad it finally got there safe and sound! I immediately thought of you when I saw it. The ones I got aren’t the best in quality, but it’s the thought that counts, right? 😛

      1. Well I love them anyway, they’re just so cute! I’m going to have a lot of fun using them in my planner. (Also, I love now that people see sloths and think of me :D)

          1. I accept that! I feel they are my spirit animal after all 😀 Funny how all my favourite animals tend to be slow moving and/or sleep a lot 😀

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