Swerve Zine Library Call for Zine Submissions

SWERVE ZINE LIBRARY IS A TRAVELING COLLECTION OF ZINES. Prose, poetry, short stories, comics, art, collage — It’s all here. Swerve travels around the city and hunkers down for a week to a month at a time at select venues. Want to track SZL? Check for updates here or follow the tag #swervezinelibrary.

ZINES ARE NOT TO LEAVE THE PREMISES. If you love a zine we highly suggest finding the artist on social media and showing your support by purchasing their publication. While we ask that you take nothing home with you, you are welcome to add your own zine to the collection.

SWERVE IS ALWAYS TAKING ZINE SUBMISSIONS. If you’d like to be featured in the library, post your creations to Kate Berwanger / PO Box 20233 / Seattle, WA 98102. Or track down SZL and deposit your zine directly.