Happy Mail Monday – So Much Appreciation Edition

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wtwcY-nKZU&w=560&h=315]

Hello, and happy Monday, friends! This week we have mail from Belgium, Brazil (Brasil), the US, and more. Check out the amazing zines that have landed in my post box over the past week.

Thank you so much for watching.


Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:

*Real Tioga – https://www.instagram.com/walterinowego/
*Real Tioga 7 Review – https://www.seagreenzines.com/zine-review-real-tioga-vol-7/

*Henry – https://www.instagram.com/catarinacomixfestival/
*Fafa – https://www.instagram.com/fafapelts/
*Catzine 1 Review – https://www.seagreenzines.com/zine-review-catzine/

*Nina Echozina – https://echopublishing.wordpress.com/
*Bricabrac Attic – bricabracattic@gmail.com / https://bricabracattic.bigcartel.com/
*Scorpio Moon – jademars@protonmail.com / https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/MartianLetters
*Pen Fight Distro – https://penfightdistro.com/
*Partisan Collective – http://partisancollective.net
*Lavender Witch – https://www.facebook.com/LavenderWitchBand/

*Ken Bausert – https://www.instagram.com/passcribe/
*We Make Zines – http://wemakezines.com

*Nichole – https://www.instagram.com/corridorgirl/ / https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/collectingwords


My PO Box:

Jaime Nyx
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253


You Can Find Me At:


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SeaGreenZines/
Etsy: https://www.seagreenzines.etsy.com
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/seagreenzines
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/seagreenzines

Want to listen to The Zine Collector Podcast? Find me at: https://shows.pippa.io/thezinecollector

Also on other podcast apps.

Call for Submissions: The Rock N’ Roll Horror Zine

The Rock N’ Roll Horror Zine
Submissions Now Open

Looking for rock, metal and punk themed horror, sci-fi, pulp and bizarro fiction submissions up to 2,500 words. Also interested in visual art submissions that are on theme, especially cover art.

Accepted submissions receive $5 and a contributor copy.

Email submissions to doomgoat666@gmail.com

Call for Submissions: Queer!Content #6: The Gay™ Theme: A Positive Education

Hey, friends.

Submissions are now open for Queer!Content #6: The Gay™
Theme: A Positive Education

I’m looking for a diverse range of stories and artistic styles for this issue as it will be used to introduce queer teens to zines during a workshop in November.

The focus will be on stories for positive change. Use this as an opportunity to share stories of survival, queer language you wish you’d known earlier, or about connecting with other queer folk. If you think they’ll laugh at it then please don’t hesitate to send it through.

Submissions are open until October 31, with a limit of two A5 submissions per person. Image files should be 300dpi and in PNG format. When it’s done it’ll be printed in A5 dimensions, in black and white, on white paper.

Send your submissions and/or questions to: queercontent@gmail.com

Zine Review: Guitarrr (And Bass) Mini Manual

Guitarrr (And Bass) Mini Manual
Nina Echozina

Guitarrr (And Bass) Mini Manual is an A7 full-colour mini about playing guitar and bass.

I swear Nina is the queen of packing a lot of info into mini-zines while still keeping them lovely to look at and easy to read. I don’t even play guitar, and I enjoy this zine. That being said, it’s not just the nice layout that kept me reading.

Guitarrr is a fantastic introduction to learning to play (electric) guitar and bass. Nina is self-taught, has played for several years, and is in the band Lavender Witch. She shares basics, tips, and tricks for learning to play with sections like ‘pick or no pick?’, ‘tuning’, ‘solo techniques’. Each section stands out easily with headers in blue, and illustrations help demonstrate what Nina is writing about.

True to form, Nina even adds a spot with a couple of resources for you to check out.

Even cooler, the entire mini folds out to reveal an illustration to show where notes are on your guitar/bass as well as some examples of chords. Love it!

Guitarrr is an excellent mini to check out – especially if you are learning or thinking about learning guitar/bass.

Zine Review: Emergency


Emergency is an A6 full-colour zine of photos and text contemplation of the forms of guilt and the power of other people’s perceptions.

This zine hurt my heart but in the ultimately good way that leaves it more open and willing to question first reactions when dealing with other people.

Emergency features colour photos taken in public toilets. While this may seem a strange thing, it has become a soothing measure for a father of a special needs need who needs to be accompanied in the toilet. Being a grown man with a teenage boy in a toilet brings up many feelings for Iestyn – pretty much all of which are negative despite the actual care he is providing for his child.

I feel a bit petty bringing up that this zine has no contact details because I almost feel like the point of this zine is the feelings and the words. To be in the moment of reading those thoughts and feelings and to continue pondering them even after you’re done reading. But with the strength of feeling in this zine, how could I not want to look at what else Iestyn is making?

Emergency is a zine that will be on my mind for a long time after I’ve posted this review. Check it out.

ZineWriMo 2018 List

Hello, and happy Wednesday, zine friends! I am back with the ZineWriMo 2018 activities list!

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, be sure to check out yesterday’s post to get all the glorious details.

You can also check out the creator of ZineWriMo – Kat (Twitter, Instagram) – as well as the Facebook group and Twitter hashtag ‘group’(?).

Without further ado…

Remember that this list is meant to be fun, not stressful, so don’t worry if you get behind!

ZineWriMo 2018 is Coming!

First off: I don’t want this post to be seen as me taking any credit for ZineWriMo. The entire idea belongs to Kat (Twitter, Instagram), and I am just another happy participant. A happy zine enthusiast who whipped up a daily task list for the month last year and will be doing the same this year.

What’s ZineWriMo?

In Kat’s own words:

ZineWriMo is a new idea that came to me in wanting to combine the original NaNoWriMo and zines!

ZineWriMo is November! We focus on making one, or many, zines in November! Our only goal is to create zines, no word count requirement!

While ZineWriMo is a ziney NaNoWriMo alternative, it doesn’t have ‘one goal to rule them all’ like NaNo has. (That being said, hat tip to ‘NaNo rebels’.) ZineWriMo is all about self-set goals and then getting in with the encouragement of the group to reach the goals you’ve set. Then, if you want to, you can join in with the daily prompts.

ZineWriMo has a Facebook group as well as a Twitter hashtag ‘group’(?) going.

Be sure to stop back tomorrow when I reveal the list of prompts for every day of the month!

Happy Mail Monday – It’s Like Christmas! Edition

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bz56Ewy0qps&w=560&h=315]

Hello, and happy Monday. Today I am even more excited than usual as I share mail goodness that has landed in my post box over the past week. It’s definitely like Christmas.

Thank you so much for watching.


Awesome People/Places Mentioned:

*True Zine Marin – https://www.instagram.com/shellbobmv/
*Snowball Ice (my microphone) – https://www.jbhifi.com.au/blue-mic/blue-snowball-ice-usb-microphone-blackout/770060/
*Book Depository – https://www.bookdepository.com/
*The Riot Grrl Collection – https://www.bookdepository.com/The-Riot-Grrrl-Collection-Johanna-Fateman-Lisa-Darms-Kathleen-Hanna/9781558618220
*From A to Zine – https://www.bookdepository.com/From-A-to-Zine/9780838908860
*Dylan Moran on Australia – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKgxkLeKMDc
*Billy – https://bunnyears.bandcamp.com/
*Kendy/MissMuffCake – https://www.instagram.com/missmuffcake/
*Draw My Steed Charity Zine – https://www.etsy.com/transaction/1500318898
*DemonStrips – https://www.instagram.com/demonstrips/
*Amaroo Wildlife Shelter – https://amaroowildlifeshelter.com.au/
*@gelatimunch – https://www.instagram.com/gelatimunch/
*@nataliemichellewatson – https://www.instagram.com/nataliemichellewatson/
*Jolie Ruin – https://www.instagram.com/jolieruin/
*Lee/Daria Zine Goodness – https://www.instagram.com/thescreeverzine/ / http://thescreever.tictail.com/product/yourestandingonmyneck
*Amber is Blue – https://www.instagram.com/amberisblue/
*Shelley – https://www.instagram.com/shelleysmithpoetry/
*DIY or Die Podcast – https://soundcloud.com/diyordiepodcast
*Warglitter Zines checks out Murder, She Zined – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVnB_gHK5TQ
*Karley – https://www.facebook.com/KarleyBayerArt/


My PO Box:

Jaime Nyx
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253


You Can Find Me At:


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SeaGreenZines/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seagreenzines/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/zineninja
Etsy: https://www.seagreenzines.etsy.com
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/seagreenzines
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/seagreenzines

Want to listen to The Zine Collector Podcast? Find me at: https://shows.pippa.io/thezinecollector

Also on other podcast apps.