#ZineWriMo Day 9: NaNoZine!

Hello and happy Friday, zine friends! I’m glad it’s Friday. While it doesn’t have the same connotations for me as a lot of other people, I still enjoy it. Even moreso because it has been a beautiful and sunny day here at Murray Bridge.

Onto today’s prompt!

Make a zine: NaNoZine! Make a zine full of words

Because November is also National Novel Writing Month, I originally decided to turn chapter one of my novel into a mini-zine. However, the more I got to thinking about words in general, the more I started thinking about the quotes I’ve collected.

Yep. I collect quotes.

Whether I’m passing by a stranger and they say something that stands out to me or a friend says something I just *have* to write down, I enjoy ‘collecting’ quotes and have done so for years. Yes, years.

With that in mind, I decided to make this mini:

This mini features some of the quotes from my collection because why not? Words are funny things, and I enjoyed making this – even the little doodle backgrounds. I’ll be uploading a short video on my Instagram account as soon as I post this in case you’d like to take a peek a the inside.

How’d you go with the ‘zine full of words’ prompt?

Check out the full list of daily prompts here.


*Echo Publishing
*Riot Grrl
*Ulterior Zines
*Olga Writes Things
*Zines and Things
*Maybe Magick Zines

Zine Review: Roam 01

Roam 01
Leah Delacrux

Roam 01 is an A5 full-colour photography zine featuring Instax photos taken in Autumn 2018.

Roam is a zine of few words, opening with ‘Autumn 2018’ before taking you on a journey through photos. Each picture has a page all its own, the image centred on it. We explore through the eyes of the photographer as they wander around an unnamed (in the zine) city.

This zine takes on the look of a gallery viewing with a lot of white space around each picture, making the pictures really pop. Moreso, the lack of words or other visual elements made it feel like a very ‘quiet’ zine for me. I could sit and take in each photo, my mind quieting (no small feat, that’s for sure) as I looked at the images.

I liked the outdoor photos the best with autumn leaves, trees, and blue skies always being a winner for me. Not to mention the beach photos. I was impressed with the quality, having heard other people say that the Instax camera is a ‘party piece’ that ‘isn’t meant for good photos’.

The indoor pictures weren’t as interesting for me, but that’s entirely personal preference. After all, when we roam, we don’t always stay outdoors, right? We roam in and out of places as well. So while I have my preferences, I think the mix of indoor and outdoor did fit in with the title.

If you like photography and like to see what photographers can achieve with cameras other than DSLR, then check out this zine.

Zine Review: Chronicled Chaos Issue 1

Chronicled Chaos Issue 1

Chronicled Chaos is an A6 size black and white (save for one art page) perzine about Molly and their system (what’s a system? Read the zine hehe), Dissociative Identity Disorder, chronic illness, art, and more.

I’ve mentioned plenty of times here how much I love and appreciate perzines because they’re either helping me feel less alone, or they are giving me new perspectives that I wouldn’t have found otherwise. Sometimes both. So how could I not love a perzine that not only teaches me so much but also opens up with a glossary of terms after the introduction?

Chronicled Chaos opens up with an introduction from Molly, who they are, and what you can expect in this (and future) perzines in the series. (Love how they put it all down on the page right from the get go.) From there, Molly then gives a comprehensive list of terms and definitions around DiD (Dissociative Identity Disorder).

As I mentioned, I learned a lot in a relatively small amount of time about DiD and their experience of it. There’s not only an overview of the condition but also brief introductions (and history) for some of Molly’s alters or parts (new vocabulary!). They even include drawings of each of them – something I found fascinating as well as enjoyable to look at.

There’s a lot more to enjoy in this perzine as well, the variety reminding me of MissMuffCake’s Stay at Home Girlfriend series. Molly includes art, poems, a comic, and other things happening in their life. They also include content warning for any possible triggers.

One thing they included is called ‘#SeeMyInvisible’ which involves taking a selfie and drawing over the selfie to display where their chronic illness(es) are. It’s about seeing invisible illnesses and, moreover, reminding people that it’s not all about what their eyes can see. They used a gold marker to colour over their selfie, and I thought about how I hoped the hashtag would really take off and more people would do it.

The variety also plays into the look of the zine as well, with plenty of clear text mixed in with art, a few pages with unobtrusive backgrounds for the text, and so on. There’s definitely plenty to look at.

One aesthetic touch I especially enjoyed is how the gold speckles on the cover, the gold on the aforementioned ‘See My Invisible’ and some stickers on the inside are all put on after the printing. Meaning that each zine copy will have that little bit of unique touch to set it apart from the rest.

I really enjoyed this perzine from the casual reader standpoint to the interested learner standpoint. There’s a lot to take in and think about without it feeling incredibly dense. Check it out.

#ZineWriMo Day 8: Stream of Consciousness Writing

Is it the weekend yet? Haha. Hello, zine friends, and welcome to another day of ZineWriMo where we get our zine on in a fashion inspired by National Novel Writing month. (But with somewhat less work involved because the activities list was made by a spoonie.)

Warm Up: Try stream of consciousness writing

I think I first started stream of consciousness writing when I was in high school and the composition teacher seemed really big into journalling, writing every day, so on and so forth. While I certainly didn’t keep up the ‘every day’ part of it, I did (and do) find it a useful tool right alongside things like brainstorming.

Sometimes the things that come aren’t are far from pretty, but I’ve always viewed that as a sort of purging. Get the muck out of my brain and my heart and onto the paper where it can’t keep creating clouds in my view. A shower of literary sorts. Haha.

My ideas notebook catches all things zine-related, so my writing went right on in there along with everything else. However, given that it’s of a personal nature at points, I’m afraid you get another picture of the cover of my ideas book.

Do you do stream of consciousness writing? Is today your first time? Let me know all your thoughts about it – even if you really don’t like it! – in the comments and/or by linking to your post about it.

Check out the full list of daily prompts here.


*Echo Publishing
*Riot Grrl
*Ulterior Zines
*Olga Writes Things
*Zines and Things
*Maybe Magick Zines

#ZineWriMo Day 7: WIP Wednesday

Hello, zine friends! I don’t know about you, but this week feels like it’s whizzing by to me. I keep thinking it’s Tuesday. Haha. I was very happy to discover that it’s Wednesday, though, as today’s prompt is…

Work on your work in progress

Work day!

This isn’t a very exciting screenshot, but I create a lot of my zines using InDesign. It’s a program I absolutely adore but also one that I got quite a few years back with a hefty student discount – so probably not one you’d like to go for if you’re starting out.

Anyway, this is the first look at the bare bones of Dear Anonymous 8. From here, I’ll plug in all the text, and then I will start picking the fonts, the ways to present the text, and the backgrounds for each letter.

I’ll also be setting up more of the ‘bones’ for Workaholic and Umbrella 2.

What are you working on today? I’d love to know. Be sure to leave a comment below and check out the other people who are joining in.

Check out the full list of daily prompts here.


*Echo Publishing
*Riot Grrl
*Ulterior Zines
*Olga Writes Things
*Zines and Things
*Maybe Magick Zines

#ZineWriMo Day 6: Idea Book

Hello, zine friends! November is certainly on its way already, isn’t it? Today we have a bit more organisation on the agenda because I love organising. That’s pretty much it. Haha. I love planners, I love organising… It makes me happy. Today’s prompt:

Make/Create a zine idea book

While I still carry a little notebook with me wherever I go just in case ideas strike me on the go, this is my ‘official’ ideas notebook when it comes to zines. It’s A5 size and also holds things I need to keep track of for current collab zines, a few written pieces that I need to type up to put in zines, a collection of quotes for another zine I want to make, so on and so forth.

I want to cover both the inside covers and the outside with stickers, but I have three lovelies so far. A little extra inspiration never hurt, right?

Let me know if you have an ideas book and be sure to check out what other participants are doing for ZineWriMo.

Check out the full list of daily prompts here.


*Echo Publishing
*Riot Grrl
*Ulterior Zines
*Olga Writes Things
*Zines and Things
*Maybe Magick Zines

Happy Mail Monday – Slightly Blurry Edition

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYI5qy6hcrk&w=560&h=315]

Hello, and happy Monday, friends! Please forgive the slight fuzziness to today’s video. I couldn’t wait to open my mail and thus didn’t wait until fixing my phone for video recording before doing so. Hehe. It doesn’t take away from the glorious goodies that have landed in my post box this past week.

Thank you so much for watching.


Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:

*Sober Bob – https://www.instagram.com/soberbobmonthly/

*Rum Lad – http://stevelarder.co.uk/ / https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/RumLadZinesAndArt

*Phoebe – https://www.instagram.com/phoebeszines/ / https://www.instagram.com/phoebekitcherart/
*Princesa Priata Distro – https://princesapiratadistro.wordpress.com/
*Footprint Workers Cooperative – https://www.footprinters.co.uk/
*The Sad Ghost Club – https://thesadghostclub.com/

*Luke You – https://smallzinevolcano.bigcartel.com/
*YOU – http://www.zinewiki.com/YOU

*Alex Wrekk – https://www.instagram.com/alexwrekk/
*Portland Buttonworks – https://portlandbuttonworks.com/
*Stolen Sharpie Revolution – http://www.stolensharpierevolution.org/


My PO Box:

Jaime Nyx
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253


You Can Find Me At:


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SeaGreenZines/
Etsy: https://www.seagreenzines.etsy.com
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/seagreenzines
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/seagreenzines

Want to listen to The Zine Collector Podcast? Find me at: https://shows.pippa.io/thezinecollector

Also on other podcast apps.

#ZineWriMo Day 5: Colourful

Hello, lovely zine friends! I hope this day finds you well and having a marvelous start to your week. Alas, mine has been a little tumultuous – hence the Happy Mail Monday video being delayed – but I still got to play with zinemaking a bit with today’s ZineWriMo prompt.

Make a Zine: Warm up with a zine full of colour

In all honesty, I didn’t have the spoons for making any sort of art, so I cheated a bit by selecting a gorgeous watercolour paper from my scrapbooking papers. The gentle, swirling pastels actually reminded me of a poem I wrote years ago and thus decided to put into the zine.

I don’t think I’ll ever have the courage to share the poem, but it was nice to put it down on paper, and it was especially nice to make a zine! Whenever it’s been a while since I’ve made a zine, it feels like so much longer.

A little something on the last page.

I might still tweak the back cover, but for now, I’m pretty darn happy with it. Let me know how you are going with your ZineWriMo creations. ^_^

Check out the full list of daily prompts here.


*Echo Publishing
*Riot Grrl
*Ulterior Zines
*Olga Writes Things
*Zines and Things
*Maybe Magick Zines

#ZineWriMo Day 4: Connect With Others

Hello, hello, zine friends! I hope you’ve been having a wonderful weekend so far. Today we’re rounding out the weekend with a ZineWriMo prompt all about saying hello.

Sharing is Caring: Connect with other zinemakers

One of the greatest joys I’ve found in being involved with zines is meeting amazing people. There are so many making zines all around the world, and it’s my pleasure to know them. But I also know that getting to know people online first can help a lot when it comes to social anxiety.

Thank goodness we have online zine groups!

As I mentioned in my first post, ZineWriMo has a Facebook group as well as a Twitter hashtag ‘group’(?) going.

There are also other groups as well. The website We Make Zines, and a couple of other Facebook groups as well: Zines A Go Go and Zines Australia.

Even more? Well yes!

At the bottom of each ZineWriMo post, I have a list of participants. You can always say hello on those spaces as well.


*Echo Publishing
*Riot Grrl
*Ulterior Zines
*Olga Writes Things
*Zines and Things

If you would like to be added to the list, you can let me know by DMing me your link on Instagram or Twitter, or you can email me.

Phew! I think I’ll leave it there for today. If there are any spaces, places, or participants I’ve missed, be sure to let me know. I also have a Resources page if you’d like to check that out.

Check out the full list of daily prompts here. Happy ZineWriMo!