Found in Books 3 & 4
Found in Books 3 & 4 are full-colour A5 zine collections of interesting things found in/around books while working as the librarian at a public co-ed school in Melbourne.
Have I mentioned how much I love found things zines? A zine series featuring things found in a library makes for a zine series I don’t want to end. It’s one of the few times in life I’m at peace with knowing that I’ll never know the details/story of something.
And believe me – there are more than a few questions that come up while perusing these zines.
Photos, class notes, and – of course – the expected dick drawings have been found by Karys, the zine-making librarian. I noted with amusement that the cover description of the zines changes slightly from issue 3 to issue 4:
Issue 3: “I keep finding notes, lists, scribbles, drawings & photographs tucked into pages or in-between boks in the shelves.”
Issue 4: “I cannot stop finding notes, lists, scribbles, drawings & photographs tucked into pages or in-between books in the shelves.”
I knew I would enjoy these zines, but I did even more than I expected. I spent a lot of time pondering the various bits and bobs Karys has found. I love how some students left little anonymous notes for each other. Small book reviews, life observations… Seeing that kids are still reaching out and having fun in the same ways I did at that age is both funny and pleasing.
If you like found things zines, then these are must haves for your collection. I now have to get my hands on the first two.