Zine Review: Livor Mortis 1

Livor Mortis 1

Livor Mortis 1 is a zine a bit smaller than an A5 that contains black and white photography with a focus on skulls and skeletons.

Livor Mortis 1 is a photography zine that opens with a haunting quote about “…the dead, piled high and pressed ‘neath the earth” from lemierre, a deceased Perisian, before leading you into the catacombs of skeletal photography…

Skulls and skeletons are fascinating to a lot of different people for a lot of different reasons. For me, it’s wondering about the human lives once held in and around the bones. Who were they, what was their life like, and how did they end up where they did? In that way, the black and white (as opposed to colour photography) really worked for me, stripping away another layer of identity and thus compounding the sense of never knowing.

The photography itself feels… I think ‘unassuming’ is the best word for it. Photos feature skulls with fully clothed skeletons, slightly mummified remains, skulls piled high in a sort of macabre room decoration. There are no ‘artistic angles’ (I’m not taking a shot at that – I do it myself) nor does it feel like anything was set up as such; the subject matter of the photos is curious and intriguing all on its own.

I didn’t find myself wondering why the photographer took a picture this way or that – I was too busy wondering about the individuals in the photos. When there weren’t so many skulls as to overwhelm the imagination, that is.

I think there is an obvious level to this zine being one that you will likely know already whether you want to check it out. I found it strangely curious in the way writers – especially horror writers – are curious about things.

I will say that if you are curious, do check it out, because there’s more to come in the rest of the series…

Zine Review: A Visitor in Myself #1

A Visitor in Myself #1

A Visitor in Myself #1 is a black and white ¼ sized stream of consciousness zine about therapy, therapists, antidepressants, and more.

I started this zine series with #2 – https://www.seagreenzines.com/mini-zine-review-a-visitor-in-myself-2/ – and being able to go back to start at the beginning is not only soothing for my completionist heart but also gives me a chance to learn about the motivations that had Nichole starting the series in the first place.

“I’m working on myself and my life every day. It isn’t so much having a positive outlook on life as it is the desire to make change. Evolve and live.”

A Visitor in Myself #1 opens with a handwritten note from Nichole about how this is a stream of consciousness zine, how Nichole is (at the time of writing) contemplating the idea of antidepressants and how big of a step that is for her. From there, we take a gentle slide into a stream of typewritten thoughts with handwritten notes interspersed throughout.

Nichole mentally wanders through self-examination, pointing out tendencies like pushing people away before they can leave her – and regretting it, unhelpful ways of coping, and things like knowing she shouldn’t feel afraid to ask for help… but struggling to do so anyway.

As per usual with Nichole’s zines, I found myself nodding along with the things I’d felt myself and even rolling my eyes at the therapist who didn’t think she was living with Borderline Personality Disorder because she didn’t lack empathy. I don’t think anyone would accuse me of lacking empathy, and I’ve had my diagnoses (including BPD) confirmed on multiple occasions. But I’m not a professional. Still, this is what Nichole’s writing does to me. It draws me in with its laid bare vulnerability and has me saying, “You’re not alone!”

Nichole also writes about anxiety and dissociation as well as her experiences and feelings around borderline behaviour. Her writing is a wonderful mixture of clarity while also still coming to grips with everything that being borderline encompasses.

Having ready many of Nichole’s Pieces zines, I couldn’t help but compare this zine to them. Would they stand out, or would they feel like Pieces under a different name? (I certainly wouldn’t complain either way, given how much I love Pieces.) The differences, I feel, are subtle. This zine has a bit more of a ‘wild’ element with a touch more cut and paste, more pictures, and definitely more handwriting. I feel a vulnerable curiosity coming through these zines that feels like a different angle of Nichole’s personality shining through. I like it.

Nichole is one of those zinemakers whose zines I will always read. I identify with so much and find the things I don’t identify with interesting. I’ve been looking around for more zines about Borderline Personality Disorder and, lo and behold, I had one in my zine stack already.

This zine is an interesting, open exploration of mental health/illness, and I recommend checking it out.

Festival of the Photocopier 2019 Zine Haul

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rVcro1hIqY&w=560&h=315]

Hello, zine friends! Wanderer and I are back from the great state of Victoria where we tabled at the one and only Festival of the Photocopier in Melbourne.

Here’s a video of the great zines I picked up with plenty of chatter to go along with them.


*Sticky Institute – http://www.stickyinstitute.com/
*Festival of the Photocopier – https://www.facebook.com/events/2289444454621948/

*Alex Wrekk – https://www.instagram.com/alexwrekk/
*Portland Buttonworks – https://portlandbuttonworks.com/
*Stolen Sharpie Revolution – http://www.stolensharpierevolution.org/
(All zines mentioned in this section can be found on the Portland Buttonworks site if they are still in stock)

*Wolfram – https://www.instagram.com/queercontent/
*Queer Content – https://queercontent.press/
*Queer Content 4 Review – https://www.seagreenzines.com/zine-review-queer-content-4-an-essay-on-w-h-audens-another-time/
*Queer Content 5 Review – https://www.seagreenzines.com/zine-review-queercontent-5-sadvertising-an-attempt-at-healing/

*Concrete Queers – https://concretequeers.com/
*The Back Room – https://www.facebook.com/backroomcarlton
*Safety House Guide Pozible – https://www.pozible.com/project/the-safety-house-guide-2019

*Darcy – https://twitter.com/darcysrocks
*Sensitive Adult Daily – https://twitter.com/sensitive_adult

*Ania & Shamini – ?

*Melissa J Stewart – https://www.instagram.com/melissaj_stewart/
* https://melissajstewart.wordpress.com/

*Dory Bean – https://www.instagram.com/dory.bean/

*Ellie – ?

*Tash – https://www.instagram.com/tash_tasha_tashy/
*A Zine Thing – https://azinething.com/

*J.E.M. Hast – https://www.jemhast.com/

*Apples – https://twitter.com/celuran
*Avery – https://twitter.com/averyflinders
*The Chicken Collective – http://chickencollective.storenvy.com/


My PO Box:

Jaime Nyx
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253


You Can Find Me At:


Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/seagreenzines

That After Festival of the Photocopier Glow

Hello, beautiful, wonderful zine friends! And welcome to new friends from Festival of the Photocopier as well as from the The Slubberdegullion Show on 4zzz in Brisbane!

Wanderer and I are back home safe and sound (not for lack of a few trying! look before you switch lanes is all I care to say…), and we are slowly catching up with everything that happened while we were away.


Festival of the Photocopier was amazing! And it was only possible for me to go thanks to the generosity of amazing zine friends. I really can’t thank you all enough.

There will definitely be videos to come of the event, but I’m still run a bit ragged after all the travel and only managed to get this far with my unpacking and reorganising of zine stock…

I do have some photos to share with you, however, should you care to have a peek and don’t want to wait until I get into video mode. I’ll stick them after the more tag.

Show lots of love to all the gorgeous Sticky Institute (Twitter)(Facebook) volunteers who are very likely still in need of lots of sleep after all the hard work.

Now for some photos!

Continue reading “That After Festival of the Photocopier Glow”

Call for Submissions: The Rock N’ Roll Horror Zine

The Rock N’ Roll Horror Zine
Submissions Now Open

Looking for rock, metal and punk themed horror, sci-fi, pulp and bizarro fiction submissions up to 2,500 words. Also interested in visual art submissions that are on theme, especially cover art.

Accepted submissions receive $5 and a contributor copy.

Email submissions to doomgoat666@gmail.com

Happy Mail Monday – Zinefest On My Mind Edition

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIYG9lo4Za0&w=560&h=315]

Happy Mail Monday! Today I talk a lot about Festival of the Photocopier while checking out some fun mail from new friends and old.

Thank you so much for watching.


Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:

*Real Tioga – https://www.instagram.com/walterinowego/
*Real Tioga 7 Review – https://www.seagreenzines.com/zine-review-real-tioga-vol-7/

*Jason Rogers

*Kackle Zine – https://www.instagram.com/officialkackle/
*Kackle Zine: Skull Water Review – https://www.seagreenzines.com/zine-review-kackle-issue-3d-skull-water/

*Shei on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/_godsavethequeer_/
*Shei Linktree – https://linktr.ee/_godsavethequeer_

*Craig Anthony Atkinson – https://www.instagram.com/craiganthonyatkinson/
*Five O’clock Zine Reviews – https://www.instagram.com/fiveoclockzine/
*Five O’clock Zines – https://fiveoclockzine.bigcartel.com/
*Coffee and People 1 & 2 Review – https://www.seagreenzines.com/zine-review-coffee-people-1-2/


My PO Box:

Jaime Nyx
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253


You Can Find Me At:


Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/seagreenzines

Forever Cutting Cupcakes

Special coloured cupcakes for the 10th issue of Don’t Call Me Cupcake

I think it was a few years ago when I joked about ‘forever cutting cupcakes’ in preparation for Festival of the Photocopier 2016. Back then I only had a couple Don’t Call Me Cupcake issues and a few Dear Anonymous zine.

I had no idea what a lot of cupcakes was. Haha.

Hello, zine friends!

Usually today would be the day for a Happy Mail Monday video, but today you have this post. Festival of the Photocopier is approaching, and I have been busy working away. What used to be a small job – five to ten copies of each zine, twenty of more popular ones – has become a big job with over forty zines to my name.

That’s not to brag, of course. But with more zines than not needing handsewn binding (love ya staples, but I’ll never stop sewing!), it’s taking me a while to finish everything up.

Honestly, my anxiety is rising as well. I’m doing much better than I did at this point a few years ago while prepping at Festival of the Photocopier 2016, but it’s still an energy suck nonetheless. One that I need to accept, give myself time for, and understand.

That said, I know the zine fest will be amazing. I’m so excited to see so many zines, meet people, and be around so much zine goodness!

I hope you’ll bear with me as the schedule needs to be adjusted while I try to prepare to make the most out of the zine fest. <3

Until next time.