Guest Mini Zine Review: Oh Shit. I Accidentally Lived to be 24. What Now??

I’m Amber and I make zines under the name Amber is Blue. I’m writing a couple of mini zine reviews for Nyx while they’re unwell.

I’m a chronically ill artist and zine maker, most of my work focuses on my mental illnesses to show people in a relatable and accessible way what living with mental illness is really like and how specific symptoms impact everyday behaviours. Through my art I want to encourage people to look at mental illness without stigma. I’m also non-binary and so gender identity and expression also feature heavily in my work.

Oh Shit. I Accidentally Lived to be 24. What Now??

This was my favourite zine that I got at Festival of the Photocopier last month – and I got a lot of zines at Festival of the Photocopier last month.

Oh Shit. I Accidentally Lived to be 24. What Now?? consists of a personal essay about Small Baby Slug’s move to Melbourne and them coming to terms with how amazing and talented they are. It is so hard to put your art out there and expose your vulnerabilities so I really appreciate Small Baby Slug’s work.