International Zine Month Day 18 – Zine Trade Day

Hello and a happiest of Thursdays to you. Nearly to the end of the week – if you have the standard M-F sort of week happening in your life.

Technically I don’t have the standard happening in my life, but what can I say other than years of schooling still brings a bit of a special shine to Fridays.

Today for International Zine Month, we are well and truly past the halfway mark! And today we trade zines!

Trading zines is something I see as being a very import to the zineverse. It’s a fun way to connect and even meet new people, share ideas, and – of course – share the awesome projects we’ve created. Some of my first interactions with zinemakers was through zine trading with people whom I consider dear friends today. Sometimes trades are one-offs, and that’s okay, too. Sometimes you never know what kind of friends you’ll become.

I am well and truly out of stamp money for the month, so I can’t offer any new trades today. I am happy and pleased as punch to say that a few zinemakers got in straight away at the start of the month to set up some trades, so I’m not really missing out for IZM.

If you would like to trade zines with me, I’d love to! I just won’t be able to send anything out until the end of July…

Are you trading zines with anyone today? Let me know in the comments.

Until next time!

Others Joining In:

* Hadass:
* Phoebe’s Zines:
* Feral Publication:
* Enter the Papernet:

Let me know if/where you are joining in!

One Reply to “International Zine Month Day 18 – Zine Trade Day”

  1. I received your beautiful and amazing zine mail yesterday!!! Thank you! I will send you my new zine as soon as it’s finished! 🙂

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