Hello, zine friends! I hope this IZM catch-up post finds you well! I almost wrote mid-week catch up, but I just checked, and I’m ahead of myself. Hello, Tuesday! I didn’t mean to neglect you. Let’s see what IZM has in store…
Today’s prompt:
Make a flyer for your zine to trade with others.
I wasn’t sure I would have anything to do for this prompt because I’ve had a Sea Green Zines flyer for a long time… but it being a long time meant that it needed some updating! Not only do I prefer to go by Nyx or Silver Nyx these days, I’ve added on some additional contact info. Plus a little freshening up for the look of it, and we end up with…

Voila! I’ve printed some off, and these will be going out in orders and trades. 🙂

Today’s prompt:
Zine Trade Day! Ask someone to trade or swap zines with you.
Hehe. Would you like to trade zines with me? 🙂 You can email me at seagreenzines(at)gmail.com if you’d like to set up a trade. Just remember that international mail can take a month or more longer than expected.

Today’s prompt:
Zine Distro Appreciation Day! Tell people about your favourite zine distros! Order zines from a distro or zinester online shop.
Distro Day! I was really hoping to have the SGZ distro rebuilt by the time today rolled around, but we have to go with the flow of things, don’t we? Plus, more space for shouting out other distro goodness!
Portland Buttonworks is definitely an old favourite and the distro I have been ordering from the longest. I don’t think it was the very first place I ever ordered from, but it’s definitely amongst those in the early days of my zine newbieness. Haha.
That said, I want to shout out an Aussie favourite: Zine Gang Distro. They have a great assortment of comics and zines (even a charity zine – how awesome is that?!) by a variety of cool creators. I have my cart loaded up already just waiting for when I can place my next order. Definitely, definitely check them out.

Today’s prompt:
Tell someone about something you learned in a zine. “I once read in a zine that…”
I’ve talked about this in the past more than once but…
“I once read in the a zine that…” something I thought was just one of my ‘quirks’ is actually a whole thing with a label and that I’m not alone.
Hello demisexuals! Pieces 13 will always be a zine that sticks out in my mind because it explained to me so much of my teenage days. So many things I didn’t understand about myself and why I was different to my friends.
Knowing you’re not alone in so many different ways will forever be one of the biggest reasons that zines are close to my heart. Connection means so much in life – even with a stranger’s words on paper. It’s a beautiful thing. I didn’t learn that *in* zines, but I’ve learned that *about* zines.

International Zine Month Day 21: Zine Library Day!
Today’s prompt:
Zine Library Day! Search for a zine library in your area.
Alas, there isn’t a zine library in my area, and, with things as they are, visiting places is a bit precarious anyway. On that note, the Zine Librarian Unconference has been cancelled.
But there is good news! There will be a virtual replacement for the conference.
Until then, does anyone know of any virtual libraries? I’m curious…
You can pop over here for the 2020 IZM list of daily activities by Alex Wrekk. (Pssst! Go here to download your own printable IZM 2020 poster!)
Also be sure to leave a comment and let me know if you’re joining in. I’ll keep a growing list on each post so we can all check out what each other are doing.