Happy Mail Monday – Post Pep Talk Edition

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKMQasFOIy4&w=560&h=315]

Hello and Happy Mail Monday everyone. Welcome back to the space where I share the awesome mail that arrives in my post box. This week we have Billy awesomeness as well as a variety pack of goodness from the one and only True Zine Marin.

Thank you so much for watching.

Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:

*Billy – https://www.patreon.com/iknowbilly

*True Zine Marin – https://www.instagram.com/truezinemarin/

*Stolen Sharpie Revolution/Portland Buttonworks – https://portlandbuttonworks.com/stolen-sharpie-revolution-DIY-ZIne

*LP – https://linktr.ee/lp.like.the.record

*Microcosm Publishing – https://microcosmpublishing.com/

*Dr Faith Harper – https://www.faithgharper.com/

*Courtney Riddle – http://courtneyriddle.com/

*Crapandemic – https://crapandemic.storenvy.com/

*Pioneers Press – https://pioneerspress.com/


My PO Box:

PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253


You Can Find Me At:


Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/seagreenzines

Mini Zine Review: Oh Shit I’m Gay

Oh Shit I’m Gay: Cartoon and Movie Characters That Made Me Realise I’m Queer
Zappix Art

Oh Shit I’m Gay is a full-colour, A7 one-page zine full of art that made Zappix Art realise they were queer.

So much COLOUR! I love it!

Oh Shit I’m Gay’s subtitle on the cover really covers it all, so Zappix launches right into things on the first page. Each page features a gorgeous full colour page with a character, the show/movie they are from, the year of that show/movie, and the character’s name. Zappix’s art style is so lovely, and suits every character included so very well.

I must admit that I felt a certain amount of satisfaction to see Shego from Kim Possible included in here because I thought Shego was so cool. Plus Kida from Atlantis: The Lost Empire!

I really love this mini. Gorgeous art, familiar-to-me characters, nostalgia, and so much colour… I’m so glad I picked it up.

Zine Review: Myths I Used to Believe

Myths I Used to Believe
Jackson Stoner

Myths I Used to Believe is a full-colour, US quarter-sized zine about things Jackson believed as a kid (and might still believe…)

I loved the idea of this zine from the moment I read the description. Whether they are myths passed on from others to stories we weave ourselves and come to believe, the things our child minds contain can be a very interesting (but sometimes also sad and scary) place.

Jackson opens with a brief, to-the-point introduction before launching in with their collection of myths. Each myth has its own page with big, clear writing and colourful drawings to go with it. (And the truth to go along with the myth as well.) Jackson has an interesting art style that’s both playful and yet delicately detailed at times. It was fun for me to see what was to come on each page.

I was amused to find myths that I’d grown up with as well like that we only use 10% of our brains thing.

Alas, not all the myths are dispelled by fun facts, and there are some darker ones in this zine as well about things like speaking out and body image. As much as I would have liked to have stayed in the land of fun and silly myths, I really like that Jackson took it in this direction. It took a subject that can be light and fun and showed that what is ‘innocent’ to one person can be so harmful to the next.

Myths I Used to Believe puts an emphasis on things and encourages the reader to not only examine what they have been told but also to think about the possible myths they are passing on. I definitely recommend checking out this zine.

Send Mail to Receive It

Hello, zine friends!

Today I am focusing on finishing up the last bits and pieces of a huge mail send out that I will be taking to the post office later this week. Stay tuned for happy mail to come tomorrow or Wednesday.

Be well, be safe, and spread a little sunshine.

Zine Review: Some of the Spookiest Things

Some of the Spookiest Things
Jess Eddy

Some of the Spookiest Things is an A6 riso-printed pink, black and white zine about spooky things in life.

With a cute art style and interesting title, this zine caught my eye as soon as I saw it, and I’ve been looking forward to sitting down with it since.

Some of the Spookiest Things opens right into the spooky things in life. From creepy creatures to unnerving nightmares, this zine covers specific things that are oh, so relatable. Each page features one spooky thing along with art. Everything is riso printed in black and pink.

I love zines like this that give us little snippets that can remind us that we’re not so different after all. I might not have disturbing dreams about gluten, but I have disturbing dreams about other specific things. I’ve never used a dating app, but the prospect is incredibly intimidating and more than enough for me to feel for that particular spooky aspect in life.

I love the level of detail with the art in this zine. From the fine lines of the teeth on the combs in one spooky thing illustration to the little touches on a phone screen involving a spooky thing regarding dating apps, the details make it fun to slow down and really take it all in.

I don’t want to spoil anything, but the very last spooky thing felt like an oh, so perfect spooky thing in life to wrap up the zine. Loved it.

Some of the Spookiest Things is a both cute and thoughtful-as-you-want-it-to-be zine. It’s definitely worth picking up for the fun combination of art and relatable spooky things.

Happy Mail Monday – Chibi Edition

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWvHNpjzAgA&w=560&h=315]

Hello, zine friends. Today is a bit of a lower energy video for me, but that doesn’t mean I’m not totally excited for the awesome mail that has come my way. There are zines, stickers, pieces of art, and so much more.

Thank you so much for watching.

Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:

*Gratis Quo – https://www.instagram.com/gratisquo/
**On Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/gratisquo

*Adrian Ceroni – http://aceroni.atspace.com/
**On YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/user/shadree/
**DeviantArt – https://www.deviantart.com/shadree

*Mini-Magazine Holder by Rene C Owczarski


My PO Box:

PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253


You Can Find Me At:


Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/seagreenzines

Call for Submissions: Festivals Zine

Applications are now open for Coin-Operated Press’s Festivals Zine!

We were so gutted to learn that the Edinburgh Festivals were cancelled this year – and so many other wonderful festivals throughout the world – due to Covid-19! This is a massive blow to the art community, so we wanted to celebrate our love for festivals, music, and the performing arts by spreading the festival love with this zine!

Send us your show posters! Tell us all about the shows you were looking forward to! Regale us with stories about past events you have visited! Share with us your cancelled show! Let us know if there are any virtual festival events that you are a part of that we can broadcast in this zine! Write tips and tricks for festival-goers for the future!

We are looking for: articles, illustrations, short stories, photography, poetry, artwork of any medium, adverts, posters, flyers, short essays, recipes, comic-strips, reviews, collage, and anything else you can put your imagination to.

Please only submit work that will fit on 1-2 A4 pages. If you have work that is longer/larger than this, please send us an inquiry email, as we would like to be open to including longer formats.

Be sure to send us the following details along with your submission please:

*The name/credit you would like printed in the zine.
*Your pronouns.
*The city and/or country that you live in.
*Any contact details that you would like printed in the zine.
*A short one-sentence bio.
*A profile photo or image for your bio.
*Title of your work.
*A short description of your work and how it fits with the theme.

If you wish to remain anonymous, that is absolutely fine – just be sure to let us know when you submit your piece.

The deadline is midnight BST on Tuesday 15th August 2020.

Please send submissions to coinoperatedpress@gmail.com

For more information on the submission process, please visit our FAQs at https://coinoperatedpress.com/call-for-submissions/